Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Are you reading? You can very well stop quoting me any time now.

And what is stated is entirely baseless. Maybe you should sit down?

Iā€™m responding to your response of me. Public Forum decency 101.

Not judging by what you recently posted on a public forum from somewhere off the forums.

You canā€™t use a real life frame of view, and then tell people you arenā€™t talking about a real life group. That doesnā€™t work only when you want it to.

No one said he couldnā€™t, itā€™s just surprising that someone who hold a negative opinion on something that applies to them as well.

Letā€™s just deescalate.

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Yeah itā€™s not okay to bash people and a type of people, to voice dislike of jewelry options. Which is what I told that user, and Iā€™ll tell you too.

I think there was a little reactivity and hyperbole in it.

And that works both waysā€¦ Are youā€¦ having a stroke? lol

Nothing I said off the forums is evidence of any of that either? so?

The whole fake shame thing isnā€™t going to work on me.

Have you considered thatā€™s maybe exactly what he felt like? That in favor of a joke (not the concept of a feminine man, but the more hateful view of that type that demeans feminine men as being in some way wrong, or lesser than other men) that the devs might concentrate on options that deny him the options he wants in favor of ones that touch on prior troubles?


Invalidating me to validate someone else isnā€™t working on me either.

I donā€™t even know how to do with that statement.

I think itā€™s time people moved on.

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The path of this threadā€¦

https:/ /

meh trust levelsā€¦

Yep, and we can point out just how illogical it is too.

Asking for more options to suit your real life identity does not need to include denying others options of including theirs. Especially to go as far as to call those themes that others relate to as ā€œdisgustingā€ if you canā€™t read the insensitivity, and discrimination in that comment, I donā€™t know what else to tell ya.


I donā€™t think you know what a stroke is.

Iā€™m referring to the recent comment you made regarding me that occurred off the forums that had no place being said here. This comment that you made is likely to have been written because you were in a heated fit of rage that I was defending a misunderstanding and so you decided to immaturely throw a jab at me due to a lack of arguement.

Yeah itā€™s definitely gonna get locked.

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I know right?

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This has been blown way out of proportion and there has been misunderstandingsā€¦really think you should let it go.

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Let it go.


I read it more as regrettable word choices made in the influence of strong emotions.