Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I’m on the same boat BUT it’s for Tyrande. If she doesn’t get amazing cinematics and an actual good storyline, i will be ouuuuut!


Imagine the backstory


She’d be a masochist. Orcs did try to genocide them after all.

that was humans my dude

I actually agree with the Runes and Tats. Also don’t forget about the Ear Options atleast in terms of Half Elves.


Orcs and Amani tried in the second war… though I’ll admit to a much lesser extent during the actual conflict. The Old Horde likely would have destroyed much more had Doomhammer not split his forces to pursue Gul’dan.

All that said… Clearly that was a different Horde.

And while its a different Alliance as well, it is different to a slightly less extent.

Oh I am. I am indeed!

I am 100% into this new character. I’m so happy.

Still sad about how little belfs have gotten though. Shame on you blizzard!

Missed this one check above. lol

Right now it seems like of half instead of being fully. I and others hope that more will come in the future since right now the Customization Options for the beta seems kind of less atleast.

they waged war but only arthas and garithos were in positions to commit actual genocide

If you think the Old Horde wouldn’t have let their Amani allies slaughter the high elves to a man had they not killed Blackhand and split their forces to hunt Gul’dan, then you’re just lying to yourself.

You are right though. Only Garithos tried to kill the prince and his cohorts and only Arthas (who wasn’t Alliance at that point by anyones reconning) managed to effectively genocide them.


We got a few options yes but most of them already existed in the game files since wrath,cata and wod but never made available to players. So half of the “new” customization options aren’t actually even new

I hope I won’t offend you, but I really hope she will die. She’s been one of the most useless leaders. She’s arrogant (which just doesn’t suit her at all), racist and she literally left her own people to die because of her “love”



Of course not! It’s how you feel <3 but i disagree with your last statement. If Tyrande had died, that would have SHATTERED the spirit of the night elves. Tyrande is the embodiment of what the night elves revere. She knew that if she tried to go back into Teldrassil, she would have died.

We have also seen that and it’s confirmed by the devs that it’s because of Tyrande that we retook Darkshore fully. So i don’t think she made the wrong choice or did it just because of Malfurion.


That’s malf not tyrande lmao! Leave my gurl out of that mess! XD


It’s actually an illusion created by Xavius, but he’ll still never live it down.


But a true leader would do anything to save her people even dying. Take Azshara for a instance, yes because of her agreement with Xavius and Sargeras many elves have died and the world was shattered but at the last moment she tried to save her people and she made that bargain with N’zoth in order to save them as he wanted to save her only. And unlike Tyrande who never did awful things at the last minute she didn’t try to save her people, in fact all she was concerned about was her love. But I suppose there’s a parallel between them as both embraced darker powers to save their people. So unless they will make a amazing storyline for Tyrande then I will gladly change my opinion on her if not I won’t care less if they’ll make her a villain

Azshara did NOT do that to “save” them. She transformed them against their will so they could serve her like they had always been doing. I mean if it was you, would you throw your life away for nothing and go to the tree or live to fight another day and fully reclaim your home and get vengeance for your people?
There is even a paragraph in Elegy where Tyrande wishes nothing more than to fly down and join the Kaldorei and die fighting alongside them but she knew that she had to survive as did Anduin and even Saurfang!

I just hope she gets some cool cinematics and a great storyline! She and the night elves deserve it!


Azshara had no choice in the ocean as they were dying. Tyrande had one. But I understand her actions to an extend. (Also if you did all the quests in Nazjatar you’ll know Azshara feels bad about her people which drowned as she ordered her Naga to leave them and the ruins alone in peace, so she isn’t a heartless monster everyone sees her as or think she is) and if I was Tyrande I would give my life knowing I fought for my people

Naga for the horde?