Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

From what i have seen on the PTR the devs missed the mark again void elfs are still void elfs no matter what their skin color or eye color is, and now the horde can play half elves total not was asked for another half effort compromise imho. Seems they couldnt get it right on both requests by the alliance community.

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I’m beating a dead horse here but I’d say give them more time for all customization options.

I have a weird feeling they were shocked by the overwhelming positive reception more customization for all races brought and are now rushing to plan out more in waves.

They did mention in an interview that being that the reception was so positive, that they’ve shifted to having customizations be a “top priority”.


They actually only said they could always add more in the future easier. But never really said they will add 100%. So we all know what that means then: it won’t happen (maybe in a few years though yes).

It’s really sad when you think all the Hype Ion made during Blizzcon and how they said they were listening and the end result was nothing added which was requested by the fans and now there’s nothing even coming anymore. Total waste and honestly with the little effort they put into the races not sure why they even went with customization options when in fact they said before they hate doing them. They should have done something else then which would have had effort put into. Oh well it is what it is I guess maybe in a few years they will add something new again


I’m still hoping more options are coming later. In the case of Void Elves though its so annoying and just strange that the regular non-voided hair styles/colors are seemingly being held back. It’s so odd to have normal skin tones and eyes but the hair is nowhere to be found. HOPEFULLY it’s just coming later. But if not, it’s not going to end the High Elf requests. If anything it will probably just intensify them.

Again though, i think they’re working on Blood Elves and Void Elves as a pair which would hopefully explain the lackluster additions to both of them.


You know I truly wanted to believe that as well. But then reality hit me and made me see there’s nothing coming anymore

I understand your pessimism, but they did also say that ARs are 2nd in line to core races as much as I disagree with that concept.

Idk what happened to lackluster blood elf customization, but I can see more void elf customization coming in the future easily, the sneak peak they gave us now was because the high elf debate is such a massive topic, it drummed up hype not only for customization but shadowlands in general, i understand why they would announce it early, even if the rest isn’t coming for awhile.


I’m a Night elf/Highborne fan. And all I wanted were golden jewelry and regal hairstyles for them to reflect Azshara. Which didn’t happen. I don’t have anymore fate into Blizzard. I’ll enjoy Shadowlands as much as I can giving it’s gonna be my last expansion


Mmm I see. Definitely thought something else based on the threads topic.

Same concept still applies, we can consider this as the beginning of Blizzard getting in there ideas and now hopefully listening to community suggestions and feedback for all races.


Listen to us? They didn’t listen to the requests fans wanted and now they will listen? Nah, they never listened and never will.


As a night elf highborne fan i can understand your feelings, i still hope they listen to us :frowning:


I would die to get those golden jewelry color and more regal hairstyles. I have a Naga siren (obviously I’m using a Night Elf Model but lorewise she’s a Naga and a Highborne obv) and her theme is turquoise with gold and it really saddens me she can’t have golden jewelry :frowning:


I’m still waiting for azshara’s skin tone, regal hairstyles, purple eyes and more jewelries.

Nightborne recruitment scenario proves that the dev team forgot about the highborne, i hope they remember that there are highborne on alliance side too and give us the options we’ve been asking for years.


On top of those suggestions you two made, I’d really like to see green eyes for nelfs Ala Malfurion, tattoos for female nelf, male Nelf tattoos seperated by face and body and antlers…


Fezzy, making me give likes to Night Elf posts.


The Horde can’t play ‘half elves’.

Wow…listening to this it’s almost like we didn’t get ANY options at all.


Eh, the ear thing does give options for it in my opinion. For RP anyways.

Use one of the darker tones give em the smaller ear and I might just have myself a half elf half Mag’har orc…

Mmm… I kinda like that actually.


I mean…he said Void Elves can only play Void elves but Blood Elves can play half elves.
It doesnt’ make sense, either both races can roleplay or both races can’t.


That’s fair.

I suspect that blizzard will eventually give ear options to velfs. So they’ll have the “physical” option after the AR pass anyways.