Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Exactly! It’s just honestly really weird and i hope that they take notice. I also remember how grueling and annoying it was to unlock Void Elves and and Nightborne! D:

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Like highborne customisations :frowning: It seems that blizzard is focusing in one theme for blood elves and night elves. Blood elves only got “high class” options and night elves only got “feral” options, which is not so cool, considering blood elves have farstriders and night elves have highborne.


alliance had to do all the rep grinds horde had to do for their ARs, plus 2 or more months of dailies and world quests on argus. i waited till bfa to do the legion ARs, so it wasnt as time intensive. then unlocking nightborne was super easy since i had already done most of requirements in the process of trying to get velfs and lfds.


Yup, horde didn’t even need to unlock argus to get they’re ar’s. And that is gonna look bad in a year or so down the line when new players try to unlock the ar’s.

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Well the devs are on record saying that customization options will continue to be worked on during Shadowlands. I don’t think the devs are just going to leave allied races as is and completely neglect them. At the very least allied races will likely inherit things their parent races have where possible and where it makes sense (and possibly vice versa).

Pure inheritance is the easy/low effort route. And as tempting as that might be to Blizzard, I don’t think that’s the route they will go for. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to be shocked if there’s a fair bit of inheritance going on when allied races get looked at proper, but Void Elves and Nightborne throw a bit of wrinkle into that plan by virtue of their differences (factions/body & hair models/thematic aesthetics) from their parent races.

Some players will scream bloody murder if Void Elves inherit all the Blood Elf hairstyles, hair colors, jewelry (with Void Elf themed textures), etc. The rage would probably still be just as strong even if Blood Elves got Darkfallen skin/eyes and all the Void Elf hairstyles (with tentacles removed), hair colors and jewelry (with Blood elf themed textures) in return. So as easy as it would be for Blizz to do this, I don’t think they will.

Instead I think they might either do more variants of Blood Elf hair (so as not to be identical) for Void Elves since they’d only have to modify existing styles that already fit the Thalassian model, or they might port styles from other Alliance races. As for hair colors, I’ve got no clue. They could take Blood Elf hair textures and tint them so they are slightly different shades, they could just recolor the existing Void Elf hair textures, or they could copy/pasta the Kul Tiran hair textures (that are nigh identical to Void Elf hair textures) with whatever minor editing might be necessary to make them work perfectly for Void Elf hair models.

For Nightborne… boy do they need A LOT of work. I have a shopping list of issues for them that I want addressed, but the short and sweet of it is: more skin tones (most, if not all, Night Elf skins could be refitted for the Nightborn body), more hair colors, face options that look like the npcs, males getting face options that don’t look angry and/or wrinkled, males getting their legs thickened up a bit so they don’t look like twigs, more hair styles, more hair colors, >gasps for air< and more jewelry and facial hair options.


Honestly, I’d just toss the current player models out and add player bones to the NPC models.

I mean, come on…


I keep asking myself WHY ON EARTH they decided to do those upward ears for player models when none of the nightborne npcs has it.


and that mana hair on the npcs is awesome. they need to do something like that for belfs but make the color more sunlight based

prolly cuz they’re identical to nelf ears.

if you just lighten velf haircolors, you end up with a light pink, a light blue, a light silver, a mint green and a pale lavender. i’d settle for those hehe. add braids and woot.

give belfs the same colors, just add warm tones to them. so light pink would be coral pink, mint green would be seafoam green, light blue would be turquoise, pale lavender would be like a light plum. and they already have platinum blonde, so that covers the warm version of light silver

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While I wouldn’t mind such colors, I really want some traditional colors. I’m hoping Blizz goes for sharing the Kul Tiran hair textures. It gives me all the colors I need for certain characters.

Nico here should be blonde (like me irl - he’s my self-insert :stuck_out_tongue: ), I also have a female mage that absolutely needs black hair because she’s based on my first D&D character that had purple eyes and black hair. My hunter needs brown and my priest needs white.


I’ll just thank you for leaving that there.



Spectacles…and this guy needs a Monical(sp)…just because I like them.

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The really annoying thing about this is that this exists as an item, but only for Lord Crowley.

Monocle is the correct spelling, for future reference. :face_with_monocle:


Not just for Lord Crowley, there are a number of NPCs across expansions post-Cata that use them, I believe there are a couple in Boralus too.

I mean, I’d understand if it was a very special item like Varian’s sword(s), but it’s just a pair of dark shades. Makes no sense that such an item, perfectly usable by players (Yes it even fits the Vulpera model), would be never made available.

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More NPCs are equipped with the item?

Interesting, I assumed most of them were like Michael Schweitzer and Netherstorm Agents, who wear a different pair:

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Yeah, they do… I believe one wearing is a skinny Kul Tiran around Boralus player hub and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it equipped in a pandaren as well. If I’m able to find them, I’ll point them out, because I don’t remember by heart.

Also Misha, a MoP NPC wears actual glasses, but that one was never made into an actual item, like Lord Crowley’s.

same model but different shade color:

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Yeah, I knew about Mishka. I assumed that most NPCs who wore glasses used her style or the other one I linked. Seeing Jesse Long though, I see that there are others who use Crowley’s. Guess I never looked closely enough at him.

Silly that they so readily use glasses and sunglasses on NPCs, yet don’t allow players to use them. Instead we’re stuck with goggles of varying types.

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It’s even sillier that Lord Crowley’s Old Spectacles is an ACTUAL item, with ID and everything. They just need to decide on making it available to players.

Maybe put it as an expensive jewelcrafting reward

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Yes, that is even more ridiculous. I hate when they make an item that players would love to use, then make it NPC only. Plenty of NPC features aren’t items, so why make some of them this way?

At least it’s not Deadeye Monocle. A cosmetic monocle, so able to be used freely by all armor types, and green quality, so it should be able to be added to the wardrobe. Except, for some ridiculous reason it doesn’t bind, and therefore can’t be added to the wardrobe. The level of spite in that item is astronomical.