Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Have you read Chronicle yet?

Not yet, I might be able to get to it this upcoming week.

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I don’t mind it but i also want to be able to look like Alleria coming out of Void Form!


agreed. i would never roll a void elf. its not much different then playing a felblood elf with normal skin tones


I just wanted to be a high elf ranger with a deep connection to nature. The void doesn’t really fit my ideas for my high elves.

I’m also not a huge fan of effects that take over my character appearance. My druids are all balance or resto, I don’t like using shadowform or similar effects. I really don’t like not having control over it, such as with entropic embrace.

I’m also just not a fan of the rushed implementation of void elves either. We had no chance to actually see them in game, see a story about them, no chance to actually see how much they were wanted as a playable race.


when they were introduced, it wasnt mentioned that they wouldnt look like alleria when not in entropic embrace, so they were enthusiastically applauded. hurray, alliance high elves finally and with a cool second theme. then it was rumored that they would never not be blue. people debated that till they were added to beta and it was confirmed perma blue for those who saw them first hand.

still many didnt believe it because why would blizzard finally deliver high elves to alliance, only to make them look as far away from a high elf as possible while still using the thalassian model. the people happy and unhappy with velfs switched back and forth as data became available till finally, the only ones happy were people who liked goth, who werent necessarily fans of elves at all. lol

blood elves were mad cause velfs had their silhouette. helf fans were mad cause they looked nothing like a high elf… even a san’layn looked more like a high elf than a velf did. seemed rather a cruel joke at the time, designed to make as many players unhappy as possible. i’m sure that wasnt the devs intention but yeah…


Still needing Tattoos Blizzard,


At least I can make my belves look naturey.

Still is. As it is a complete disregard on everyone’s suggestions on how to make HE work for alliance and what the HE lore stood for.


I also agree. The ONLY thing that worries me is that the Velves are potentially going to miss out on SO many aspects because of the Void. I want to be a Paladin, druid or maybe a Shaman. It just sucks that other races such as humans or blood elves aren’t locked behind stuff like that (maybe not as much as void and lightforged draenei are)


what has always bugged me about legion ARs is the fact they required all this extra effort but delivered even less than a core race, like a punishment for making the effort. like running a dungeon and losing xp instead of gaining. something went wrong with the AR roll out for legion. bfa ARs were much more complete. wonder what happened during legion development.


Both races are so limited classwise and boxed into a theme. Neither were asked for either.


I agree. Alliance were BEYOND shafted when it came to Allied Races. I remember people had wanted Zandalari Trolls for the LONGEST and they not only have the best racials, they have access to almost every class.
I also agree with Hyper, it seemed like we were just reskins while BFA allied races had more thought to them.

Most likely it was how they where going intend to do ar’s, but received too much back-lash from the lack of unique customizations and from VE not being HE.

light forged draenei only have 5 classes. thats lower than any other race in the game. clearly they were plugged in to some other AR’s spot. i wonder what the original AR was.


Both alliance legion ar’s was. Ve should had been broken, lf should had been HE


To add, it seems even worse if you look at the fact horde got all there requests, except one, DID, when we gotten none of ours…


I know that the Highmountain Tauren also have like 6 classes. Just very odd.

wtflip. lol i mean it was a cool idea to let us get allied races but for the life of me i dunno why they initially opted to make them seem like races you play as a form of punishment. yes you do this work, and then we give you this race that has limited access to everything. cool huh? hehe