Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I would say throw in the skinny Kultiran human model as a toggle option in Kultiran character customization for Shadow Lands, casters and rogues would dig it.


Yeah, it won’t happen anyway. It would be too much work.

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If this was the goal, they should do it with all the ARs too, except Void Elves, Nightborne, and Vulpera.

I agree if they would implement the idea. Too bad it most likely won’t happen mostly because Indy company blizz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I wish they had taken player requests more seriously while making ars.


I do too. :pensive:

lol should be the other way around - high elves as a core race with velfs as a subrace. same for lfd - draenei as core, lfd as sub.


I’m just gonna drop these here.

The concept originated in this EU thread here;

Moira made a bunch of lovely concepts there for multiple races and it would be great to see any future subraces handled in this manner.

I’m also digging the Sunsworn for Blood Elves and of course, the Dark Rangers. The only thing I’d do differently would be to have Red’dorei and Sin’dorei instead of Thalassian, which should probably serve as the general racial name for both. They could also add Half-Elf as well, more likely on the Alliance, though possibly on the Horde as well.


I would not object to a “veneer” for racials. If they ever add some sort of option to change our displayed racial tag (so the race says High Elf instead of Void Elf), then the “veneer” could change the names, icons and visual effects of the racials while maintaining their functions. For example, if I select the “High Elf” option my race would display as High Elf and the “veneer” on my racials would make them change thus:

Entropic Embrace becomes Arcane Legacy: The visual effect, icon and name change, but otherwise it mechanically works exactly the same.

Spatial Rift becomes Arcane Jaunt: The visual effect, icon and name change, but otherwise it mechanically works exactly the same.

Preternatural Calm becomes Focused Mind: The icon and name change, but otherwise it mechanically works exactly the same.

Ethereal Connection becomes Friend of a Friend: The icon and name change, but otherwise it mechanically works exactly the same.

Chill of Night becomes Against the Darkness: The icon and name change, but otherwise it mechanically works exactly the same.

Basically the “veneer” and racial tag display change would allow sub-categories within a given race. The same concept could be applied to other races, such as Wildhammer Dwarves, Sand Trolls, Grimtotem Tauren, Dragonmaw Orcs, etc.


Yeah really. It’s weird if High Elves are the “sub race” of Void Elves but it’s whatever i guess. If they were going this route and having both playable under the same umbrella i think they should have kept the High Elf name or gave them a different racial name since it’s a bit awkward having High Elves tagged under the Void option. And then you got the whole issue of the original Void Elves being exiled Blood Elves lmao.

I still think the best option would have been during the Argus campaign, Vereesa brought her band of High Elves to Argus where we meet up with Alleria and her “Void” Elves. They could have been High Elves who were part of the Alliance expedition to Draenor that survived and were with her and Turalyon the whole time. That way they would have came from an Alliance faction and could have still developed into a more Astromancer/Cosmic subculture of High Elves and could have had their rep faction on Argus. Once you get exalted you could unlock the High Elf AR which also comes with the Void/Cosmic Elf options.


Unique effects for racials such as these would work great for many subraces in addition to Void Elves(High Elves).

From a lore standpoint it would be great to see the Void Elves and High Elves come together and study Astronomancy, with the Void Elves specializing in the Void and the High Elves specializing in Arcane. They could turn Telogrus rift into a sort of observatory to delve into the Great Dark.


Are they doing updates on the non void skin tones they gave Void Elves? I’m asking because they are not showing up in the wowhead dressing room anymore.

100% I do support.


maybe theyre working on tats now. keep an eye peeled on belf changes too

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That would be nice, or they are finally getting around to updating the Underwear, so they needed to pull the models. But still Tattoos would be great.

Gonna reply to this quoting what I already posted;

oh i forgot about the undies.

Dressing room seems to be showing the new skins on void elves fine for me.

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If I follow a link I have to them, or get randomly generated onto them, I can see them just fine (still with the Blood Elf underwear), but if I start on blue and try to toggle to non-blue, it doesn’t let me.

I also can’t toggle to the blue from the non-blue. Probably just a bug to do with the odd numbering they have.

Mine isn’t showing the non blue at all, I cannot even toggle to the non blue. So you are right it’s probably a bug.

Okay I think I discovered the problem, It has to do with the face, If you choose a void Elf face you only get the Void elf skins. if you choose a Blood Elf Face you get the new skin options.

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