Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Beats me. I know at some point Lorthemar asked her not to raise any Blood Elves. But she also didn’t have the power to raise anyone until she had Valkyr under her command I believe.

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so it was arthas that didnt raise them then.

It looks like a Forsaken with pointy ears (and looks awful to me but aesthetic tastes are subjective). It does not look like any of the elven Dark Ranger or San’layn NPC’s in game.


and it doesn’t have to look alike, playable nightborne don’t look like npcs nightborne.
undeath is the forsaken theme I think it looks good

… I… Do not.

is there another race of undead?

Every DK I suppose.

I meant I don’t think it looks good.

The humans actually have access to the Deathknight hair colors, albeit they are tied to the new faces for the time being.

That being said they’ve already started to make DK options available to everyone, so there’s no need to argue about it.

I’m also in favor of giving Forsaken Elven features for a Dark Ranger aesthetic in addition to Blood Elves as they have just as much a claim to the fantasy. It may not look the best, but I feel Forsaken players should also be able to partake in the Dark Ranger fantasy. It would be really cool if Humans got Elven features too.

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yea its a forsaken thing. would much rather see blood elves with farstrider tats and runic tats for magister types. thats all they need

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and scars like lorthemar

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The fact that Nightborne don’t look like their NPC’s is not something you should hold up as an example of a positive imo. >_>


Theses are not exclusive to one another.

I want both for Blood Elves.


Exactly. I want the Darkfallen options for Blood Elves, but I also want the tattos, scars, more hairstyles, more facial hair, for the tiara to be removed from its hairstyle and made into a jewelry options so the style can be used without the tiara if desired. I want those seeking light-themed options like glowing tattoos and hair to get what they want too.

None of those things precludes getting the others.


With you on those items at least.

You’re the one interested in the Kul’Tiran hair for Velfs right? I like that idea. It matches so well.


It really does thanks to the fact that the the Kul Tiran hair texture files are virtually identical to the Void Elf ones outside of the colors. Here’s a side by side comparison of the Kul Tiran and Void Elf hair textures. They even use one of the same ornaments!:

And here’s Void Elf hair with Kul Tiran textures applied:

Share some Human hairstyles with Void Elves and bam, you’ve got the High Elf aesthetic without copy/pasting stuff straight from Blood Elves and some level of distinction between them and Void Elves is preserved.

And once that’s done, then Blizz can look to more void-themed options for Void Elves in the future.

Blood Elves just need more than what they got in this customization pass though. The new hairstyles and hair colors are great, and I like the new facial hair, but the jewelry feels like it ate up so so much of the effort devoted to Blood Elves and it’s only usable by females. On top of that, the jewelry will likely not even be used except with specific mogs because isn’t as well done as the Draenei jewelry which has a much more robust selection of color options.

Farstrider and runic tattoos, scars, more hairstyles, and just more options that both sexes could use, would all have been better than a bunck of armbands and flat texture gloves that could have just as easily been transmog items. The fact that the Darkfallen options exist, require minimal effort to enable for players, yet wasn’t one of the first options added remains baffling to me.


I think belves should get dark ranger options, farstrider tats and magey tats.


Nice. Thanks for the information. I have been gone off of WoW for a while.

It’s 2020. Races aren’t allowed to have unique themes, all races’ themes must be playable by blood elves or void elves.

well this is the time for customizations. there are only so many colors. only so many options. as a void elf i still have no home city, the lowest number of classes other than light forged draenei and hmt - till shadowlands, less than half the number of hair colors, eye colors and hairstyles of the average core race, and i cant ask for anything cause its gonna step on someone’s toes. what kind of race is that?

the fact you included velfs in your diatribe proves to me that it isnt about the amount of customizations belfs have, cause you think velfs have too many also and we got half of what you have. maybe less. so just exactly what is your problem?

just a friendly reminder, belfs still dont have tats, scars, make up or another theme even. compare that to the other core races. and velfs have no tats, no scars, hair decorations, jewelry, make up or even the ability to change our ear size, eyebrow size, and we still have the same 5 haircolors and hairstyles we started with. sorry but sheesh.