Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Feel free to quote the post where I asked for this.

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Your literal first post was to tell me I was not owed compensation when I asked someone pushing for that what dks would be receiving in return.

Because you’re not owed compensation.

If Blizzard decided to make every hairstyle, hair color, and skin color in the game available to every race, none of us would be entitled to any compensation.

If something is shared between races and/or classes, there is no reason for the race/class whose cosmetics were shared to be “compensated”.

For example, if Blizzard decided to share the Demon Hunter specific skin tones with Warlocks, there would be no reason to “compensate” Demon Hunters for this. The Demon Hunters still have their options, they haven’t lost them.


And asking for dk hair options open to other classes is other people’s stuff how?

It’s colors.

Plus I frequently see Nico asking for hairstyles not on the horde for void elves, and regular hair colors on unvoided void elves is just a no brainer, are we all not high/blood elves now? :pleading_face:


You can hold that opinion if you like, but if I lose unique access I am losing some of the perks that I get for choosing my class.

If tomorrow the entire shaman spellbook was given to druids, would shamans have technically lost anything? According to you, no.

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Didn’t realize spell books were cosmetics now.

Bit reachy tonight aren’t we?


What difference does it make? Exclusivity either matters or it doesn’t.

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One affects actual gameplay and is a consequence to many, one affects how you feel and is a personal consequence.

You can’t pretend they’re both on equal grounds for the sake of being hyperbolic, you do not own your character and were never owed exclusivity, it’s all Blizzards decision.

That being said, If your issue is with losing dk hair colors then it’s a non issue, because Nico didn’t say dk hair styles and colors, he said colors, and void elves can also be DKs so are owed those colors just as much as other races who can be DKs, doesn’t mean they would take blood elf styles.


Warlocks should in all technicality be sharing almost all DH customizations. The strongest warlocks AKA as our in-game warlock PC the netherlord show plenty of demonic attributes. But blizz likes making DH steal all lock stuff so that will never happen.


If they were asking for skin colors or special DK markings ect I’d agree with you. But we’re talking about hair colors. There is legit no reason for a night elf DK for an example to be the only one able to have pink hair. No reason for a regular night elf to not be able to have that hair color as well.

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blizzard gave all blood elf skin colors to void elf, i think some void elf customizations like beards should also be shared with blood elves, that would be fair


While I don’t think “fair” is important or necessary to Blizzard just because the skins were shared, I do agree with you that it would be nice and it’s something I wouldn’t mind seeing happening.

There’s quite a few Void Elf hairstyles I’d like to see shared with Blood Elves (after being de-tentacled obviously). I would have no objection with sharing the male facial hair options either. The “anchor” facial hair option that Void Elf males have is probably the one I like most.

The only issue I can see is that the cross-pollination would end up going both ways with Blood Elves and Void Elves sharing most, if not all, options between them making them virtually identical. While I personally have no problem with this, many people do, and I think Blizzard might as well. That’s why I purposefully ask for the sharing of Kul Tiran hair textures and Human hairstyles with Void Elves since it’s not stepping on Blood Elf toes.


void elves have their void customizations! that make them unique. I would like the blood elves to have more light customizations in the same sense that we already have golden eyes
something like this

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I have no objections to new unique thematic customization for Blood Elves. While I personally would prefer the Darkfallen skin and hair options (and perhaps some new hairstyles to go with), I wouldn’t say no to a suite of light-themed options to go with the golden eyes either.

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undead is not a blood elf theme, they could give the forsaken elf ears for example

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Foesaken with elf ears would look awful
 and look nothing like the Thalassian elf Dark Ranger and San’layn NPC’s we see in game. Playable Forsaken are dead Humans.


interesting question: if blood elves lost 90% of their population, did they just not get raised by sylvannas?

new forsaken customization. you only need the ears

It makes a lot more sense to just give it to Blood Elves. Much less work involved.


undeath is the theme of the forsaken. I think they would look good!

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