Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I wasn’t expecting any new DK options tbh.

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Neither are you.


Did I ask for “compensation” for anything? I don’t believe I did.


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I think compensation is definitely owed.


I want McDonald’s chicky nuggies as compensation.

You keep asking for other people’s stuff. Now we’re at the point where people want hero classes to lose one of their defining features, unique customisation options.

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Didn’t realize regular skin tones and hair colors are a blood elf exclusive.

Pretty sure multiple races have those options :face_with_monocle:

So tell me again how thats “other peoples stuff”


I’ll take it with some honey sauce and be happy.

I’ll probably be sticking with my night elves. Void elves still won’t be an acceptable helf substitute for me.


My one actual high elf might get changed from human to void elf. I haven’t decided yet.

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But void elves can’t have red eyes, how can it be a high elf?

I’ve just given up on it all. It’s whatever at this point.


A really high elf?

I’m talking about dk options champ.

I’m not asking for “other people’s stuff”. And remember that many hairstyles and colors are shared between multiple races. I’m asking for more hairstyles and hair colors for Void Elves. And I’ve specifically gone out of my way to ask for them in ways that don’t copy anything exclusive to Blood Elves. By all means go through my post history to confirm.

I’m particularly hopeful that Blizzard copy/pastes the Kul Tiran hair textures as Void Elf hair colors options since the Kul Tiran hair textures are already virtually identical to the Void Elf hair textures. I’ve also been a proponent of sharing a few hairstyles from Humans to round out the hairstyle selections of Void Elves.

This would give Void Elves a broader array of hair colors and hairstyles to choose from without copying any hair textures, specific shades, and hairstyles exclusive to Blood Elves.


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I want an actual full beard… The beards we got feel unfinished to me.

Please… Get yourself one of their Spicy Chicken Sandwich. Its to die for.

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Making dk exclusive options not be exclusive is asking for other people’s stuff.

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Insert Murgy’s gif here.