Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Looks to me like a name change, with the name in gray being the old name and the one in green being the new one. Though I could be wrong.

I’d guess this based on how some are written. Like the Dranei female horns. They have listed ArcCurved, with Arc being written in gray, Curv in green, and ed in white. So I’d assume gray means replaced, green means new, and white means unchanged.

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Ahh, okay, I was hoping for new styles.

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On the right: Blizzard
On the left: Avarie’s hopes


:thinking: :grimacing: :hot_face: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I was just hoping for golden jewelry for night elves :pleading_face::weary: at least I have my dreams


I feel like I’m so enveloped by the customization changes because my 2 specs I play are looking very bad. So I’ve been putting more and more of my eggs into the elven customization basket. Seems like as much feedback that is given falls upon deaf ears. Very heartbreaking for someone who really enjoys their classes as well as their chosen race.

Sigh Wednesday seems to be a day of disappointment every week.


Wrong, a no is a no until R&D prove that touching the feature WILL represent a financial gain to make it a “yes”. And I doubt updating Quel’thalas will represent any kind of financial benefit for Blizzard.

Ergo, their hard “no”.


Several bug fixes this build. Some work on textures.

I think this is it, no more additions for 9.0. They are polishing what they have.

I wish they at least enabled DK hair colors for all classes. It’s just a change in data, no assets needed. If you have PTR or beta, try suggesting that. It would mean 3 extra hair colors for each gender of humans, dwarves, night elves, gnomes, draenei, orcs, trolls, blood elves, and goblins.

Plus another DK-only option that should be enabled for all classes is female night elf marking colors. There’s two DK-only colors.

I’ve make a thread asking for it. Will you give it support by liking and bumping it?



it is very disappointing to see that they are not going to give us anything. as someone who plays main blood elf male i cant believe we have so little


We didn’t even get a good beard…

Just eyes, skin tones, some hair styles, some okish beards, and ear length.


only 3 beards and three hairstyles! the skin colors and they are not unique, they gave the void elves all our peil colors, at least they would have given us some void elf beards


Um… you do realize that you basically said that a no can become a yes right? I never said it was likely. I only said it was possible… and you’ve basically agreed with that whether you realize it or not.

However unlikely it might be, you have just admitted that it could happen. Even at 1 in a 10 billion chance, it’s still possible. This is really a stupid thing to argue about. Is it going to happen? Probably not. Could it happen? The remote possibility exists, yes.


No means no.

And we will receive what for losing our exclusive options exactly?

That feel good feeling of others being happy that we’re getting jack.

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I dunno, that one full beard option on blood elves seemed nice to me. I plan to use and one of the new hairstyles for my Blood Elf Hunter.

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You receive nothing because you are owed nothing, and you lost nothing except for exclusivity. And even that is debatable.

Losing exclusivity is not the same as losing options… and it seems Blizzard feels you are not entitled to any compensation for losing exclusivity. Not that Blood Elves even had exclusive access to natural human skin tones.

With that said, I am definitely disappointed that this is all Blood Elves are getting for SL launch. Darkfallen options were the easiest low hanging fruit they could have provided that would have garnered the devs much good will and they let it slip through their fingers.


Steve is that you?