Suggestion: Enable DK-only hair colors for all classes

Since beta is near its end, I thought about bringing this suggestion from the beta forum here in order to call attention to it.

It’s a small and simple change: just enable DK-only hair colors for all classes, please. The assets are already there, the data is already there. Blizzard only needs to flip the switch so those textures are available to all classes rather than just DK.

This would mean three extra hair colors for each gender of humans, dwarves, night elves, gnomes, draenei, orcs, trolls, blood elves, and goblins.

Here are the colors that would be added:

Also, in the case of night elf females, those two marking colors (grey-green and black) are still DK-only. Enable them for all night elf females, Blizzard! Please!

Beyond just adding 54 new options, there would be two other benefits from doing this:

Human hair color parity

The new human hair options have 13 colors available, while the old human hair options have 10. The 3 missing ones? DK hair colors. Allowing them would equalize colors between old and new hair styles.

Click here for pictures

Extra Human hair color for new styles:

Is close to first DK Human hair color for old styles:

Second extra human hair color for new styles and it’s DK counterpart for old ones:

Third extra and its DK counterpart:

Night Elf gender hair color parity

2 of the male night elf “new” colors are 2 DK-only female colors. 2 of the female night elf “new” colors are 2 DK-only male colors. Allowing DK colors for everyone would equalize colors for both genders.

Click here for pictures

Here’s the hair colors that are equivalent between male/female night elves:

First hair color that is enabled for male night elves but only female DKs:

Second color for males, but only DK females:

First color available for females, but only DK males:

Second color for females, but only DK males:

And there’s also a third DK-only color for both that should be enabled for every class:

This is a very small change that would mean a lot more customization for nine races with almost no cost in development resources. Please, consider it, Blizzard.

If you agree, like this post and reply to it in support. Let’s hope there’s still time for this simple yet huge change!


Yes please! The way they have it with Night Elves right now is especially silly.


I need this since 5 years ago for my paladin. Yes. 100%


I agree with this notion. We should get this haircolors for all classes!


What is it with so many of you wanting to take away from things making different classes and races more unique?


Please tell me what about pink hair on a Night Elf screams Death Knight, but only when it’s on females?


Because no sane living person would get caught with bright pink hair? :rofl:

Disclaimer: this is a joke, don’t murder me in my sleep.

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It doesn’t scream dk to me but it’s unique to the class still which is nice. I think a little something unique here and there is fantastic. Like with the demon hunters customization they stand out.

I wish that they would do something more for dk eyes since so many new options are coming in that make the eyes less unique for dk (which previously is what made them stand out the most to me) but oh well. Taking away their hair color would make it even worse HOWEVER!

there are in fact some npcs hanging around Azeroth using those colors as non dks. So maybe that is okay to share these colors.

But maybe they could do more for our undead Lich friends someday? Especially as we see more decay options for forsaken, maybe something like that for the death knights would be super cool to see on all the different races! (More than a couple gaunt looking faces that lock into certain skin tones…) only a couple of those even look neat enough to choose.


Yes, DK eyes should also come in red for blood and green for unholy at the very least.

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Several of these hair colors are even used for non-DK NPCs all of the time.


Having faction/race/class distinctions adds complexity, variety and flavor to the game.

Crap, I already told my pet to attack!

rapidly slams passive

It’s just hair color. DKs still have their own skins. I’m all in favor of adding more DK-only customization, like more skins and their own eye color selection (blood red, fiery orange, sickly yellow, vibrant green, dark purple, smoky black…), but none of the DK hair colors scream “undead” or “unnatural”, just “goth” at best.


I’d love this as none of the hairstyles really screamed dead, especially that pink for NE’s. DKs still get their dead skins at the very least.

Now if only Blizz would let us pick between the various DK eye glows, then I’d be happy as the new one is ungodly extra now.


There are so many (non-DK) female night elf NPCs with the bright pink hair. Everytime I see them I get sad that can’t be me.

The little preview thumbnails don’t do the troll DK haircolors justice:

As others have said, DKs have their special skin colors and the hair colors don’t really feel undead specific.


I’d appreciate if we left the hero class-specific customization attached to their classes.

The majority of DK hair colors are very subdued and dead (for lack of a better word) for a reason.

I’d be ok with non-DK versions of the less dead looking hair colors, like the Night Elves’ pink hair. But anything past that is crossing a line imo

I thought this at first but then I realized it really doesn’t make sense to make it class specific.

Hair colour isn’t really that big of a deal for DKs since we can wear only one at a time.

Now if they insisted on the eye effects, that’d be a different story.

  • Also, OP forgot VE’s. I think they should get more hair colours to choose from as well.
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The Blood elf Death knight hair colors never made sense to me.

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I’m just making a simple suggestion to make assets that already exist available for now. VEs don’t have DK-only hair colors. Only the races in the OP do.

I think it’d be cool if VEs could also have the hair colour options so make it race-wide options.

I hope that made sense. * I may have misunderstood. Ignore me. lol