Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I did though? How about YOU go address the fact that someone thinks it’s okay to throw hateful slurs around instead of addressing me. Very telling of YOUR character that my post is the thing that you seem to have a problem with.

I understood you perfectly.

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But to only validate your own struggle, and not those of other members of the same community is wrong. How many men struggle with their identity, who fear retaliation if they wear make up, or dress/act in a flamboyant manner? Should they not be taken seriously because others like to perpetuate them as a stereotype?

That any time a feminine option appears for male blood elves it’s some “forced” feminization designed to railroad him into another identity? When in reality the only one trying to prevent others from portraying themselves is the one vying for acceptance themselves?

Terms is one thing, but calling it disgusting and a negative stereotype is another thing entirely, especially when those stereotypes include real people, who wish to represented just as he does.

Which would be fine, if he kept it about the customization itself, and didn’t suggest that it somehow insults his identity as a trans man. Which is the only problem people have with his comments.

I don’t think calling people “disgusting” is peaceful on any account.

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I haven’t read through every post and I don’t even know what you’re talking about. If you directly responded to the person you have a problem with intead of making a cryptic comment maybe everyone would understand.

Well why did’t you just say that!? I got tons of extra arms and legs… Proper maintenance and all. Jeez.

Still could use you not calling us diaper gnomes. Its just rude.

If they don’t, there is always other races in the horde to choose from that does have more masculine features. I fancy the zandalari trolls.

this is my fault lannisterian. i said all elves. i didnt even think male elves too as far as high heels are concerned. i was thinking, nb, belf, nelf, velf and helf females. thats what i meant by all elves. he probably saw that and thought i was suggesting it for male belfs too, and that set off his alarm bells about the stereotype.

Well he explained himself and now you know. So maybe move on?

It’s just how he felt about it those customizations, nothing more.

I have no idea what this is about, so aleona’s comment seemed to be out of the blue and instead of directly handling the problem it just looks like more drama.

Then maybe you shouldn’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong? Just a thought?

Here is the post since you can’t seem to find it:

She’s talking about Reno, by the way. It was not out of the blue at all, if you’ve been following the conversation at all.

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Starla, they are referring to me. I use very choice language that I have since refrained from using out of respect for others but it’s quite immature that Snowsong here would mention that here on these forums just because she’s feeling super heated over a harmless discussion.

This is a public forum.

Its a disagreement on the jewelry for BE’s.

But Snowsong is spot on when she says we don’t need to insult a “stereotype” of people to insult the jewelry. In fact it kind of irks me we keep saying “Blizzard has this negative stereotype” its not negative, some people are like that the fact someone would describe it as negative is more telling of them then Blizzard’s writing.

Looks like that one’s more on the terms of regrettable use of language when upset.

I do see where you’re coming from. But I think I also get a bit where he is coming from, and maybe feeling like something is getting changed in a way that not only leaves out the options he wants, but that does so with a emphasis on options that may feel uncomfortable for them.

Like I said, from what I get from reading his posts it’s just that he’s feeling that he may not receive the options that he would be comfortable with, and that it’s all going to be at that end of the spectrum and not spread out.


No one here even said that. And people who do should be ignored. How is describing femininity as disgusting not harmful?

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I think that person was concerned about only getting to be a stereo type and not having options beyond that. People took it out of context, perhaps intentionally, and other people piled on.

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Then what’s with that odd I don’t wear pants thing going on there?!?!? :crazy_face:

That’s what exactly has been occurring.