Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

personally, i’d rank orcs higher cause they look so amazing. i’d drop forsaken down a notch cause they need straight back option for goodness sakes. but agree with him on dwarves. the wildhammer stuff is so cool looking. i’d make a bald female dwarf just for those tats.

female gnomes not very interesting cause nothing as visually impactful to compensate for those awesome male gnome beards.

poor draenei. they are nearly as boring as lfd. at least they got tail length mods and a couple nice hairstyles.


First of all, the name “High elf” wasn’t retained to reject the path of the Blood elves, because at first there was no cause to even reject. Many other High elves weren’t even present on the planet during the renaming. (Stuck in outland.)

Then it’s a rather pointless thing to bring up? Clearly we’re not referring to High elves who hold some sort of grudge against the Blood elves if we’re referring to the ones actively joining them.

High elves do not act as some coordinated whole, nor do they share the same beliefs, or ideas with one another either, this has been continually expressed in their regard. So whenever anyone tries to claim what “High elves” think, or do as a whole, is poorly mistaken.

Gilthares Firebough is a good example of a High elf who acts, dresses, and behaves like a Blood elf, but still identifies as a High elf. He even works with the Horde to kill Alliance soldiers, and generals.

The purpose behind the name “blood elves” was originally meant to simply honor the fallen, but Blood elves had developed new priorities, ideals, and beliefs since that time, not taking the name isn’t seen as some sort of insult, or opposition toward that. If that were the case I highly doubt Lor’themar would be calling Silvermoon their home as well, while welcoming them to share the Sunwell.

If the idea is that the title “High elf” is somehow insulting toward Blood elves, we’ve seen literally zero evidence of it anywhere.

But no one said anything is proven? Simply that Blizzard keeps adding elves who use High elf-exclusive features on the Horde, and what lore implications that could have. I’d say the only “headcanon” here is the theory that any elf who joins the Horde must immediately become a Blood elf, despite the many instances of the Blood elves, and Lore’themar himself referring to Quel’thalas as the home of the high elves.

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Incorrect. The Silver Covenant is the military wing of the Kirin’tor. There are many non-elven members. Just because they happen to have a lot of elves doesn’t make it a high elven faction.

Its not even that. They’re a military faction within Dalaran. They’re not the only military force.

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It’s not even that. They’re a paramilitary faction within Dalaran. They’re not a military force at all.


No they are a group of high elves lead by Vereesa who opposed the inclusion of blood elves into the Kirin Tor.

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Except there are night elves, dwarves, humans, and gnomes in the Silver Covenant. So it’s not High Elves only, they have a core of High Elves.

Reputation description:
A militant core of high elves that rejects the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor. They’ve united under the banner of Vereesa Windrunner and joined the Alliance forces in Northrend.

You also have that one human priest who was fully corrupted by the void but STILL could use and wield the light through sheer willpower!

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I agreed with most of it except the trolls. I didn’t think they got enough to be honest!

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While most customizations were said to be already in, it seems a few options are still trickling in with beta patches. Just human female eyebrow options in the most recent beta patch from what I’ve read, but (fingers crossed) maybe we’ll see those Darkfallen options slip in for Blood Elves before pre-patch goes live.


This build brought human female eyebrows. ALso, it may have some more things that weren’t datamined, I’m waiting for the realms to go up and check. No one datamined dwarves getting beards/mustaches split a few weeks back, but then I got in my usual post-update exploration and found it out.

As long as they keep updating things, there’s hope. It means new things are still being worked on, and don’t forget that it’s not unusual to have a lot of work in the background that is released all at once. Everyone was complaining about the lack of any tauren updates, and then they got one of the best packages in one go.

We will probably learn release date tomorrow, and that could give us a clue of how much more customizations to expect. I still think we will see a lot of minor things added in the coming weeks.


Captain Thalo’thas hates the alliance but is still a high elf, according to blizz high elf is a race

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That’s one way to describe a numerically varied but rather forgettable set of options that doesn’t really come close to the level of stuff nelves got in visual appeal. Lots of stuff but it’s all pretty bleh


suppose pilgrim high elves join blood elves, i think they will still be high elves because that’s the id they chose for themselves
this motivates me to play shadowlands

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Oh Kel’thuzad you smug Richard.


That’s the problem with basing who got the best stuff on raw numbers. If one race had three beards, three moustaches and three sets of sideburns, they could have 27 options if they were all combined, or three sets of three options. So some people might say the first setup had more options and some people might say the second setup did because it had more categories but in reality it’s the exact same number of options.

/facepalm :woman_facepalming:

I see no reason for that, any work being done is a good sign.