Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Uhhhhh was ist los?

not every toothless person of younger years is so because of illegal drug use. i mean chewable vitamin C is legal. lol

That is True. There never really was a Blood Elf Windrunner since there were only 3 Unique Windrunners. One is a High Elf Ranger but bit modern, One is a Dark Ranger which is a Undead Elf, and another is a High Elf Ranger that turned into a Void Elf Ranger.

So yea there was just only 3 High Elf Windrunners.

For two years now why havenā€™t the Nightborne already gotten the Withered Option yet or the Nightfallen one?

Because there arenā€™t any Withered or nightfallen anymore. The Arcanā€™dor cured them.

That is True and I see why they havenā€™t gotten the withered option because of the Arcane Fruit. Through I would like it if they had new skin tunes like what the Nightfallen like that is drow like White Color and Black Color.


One fruit from the Arcanā€™dor cures them of their addiction. Kind of like how the Sunwellā€™s energies traverse time, space, and dimensions. An easy instant undo.

Would still be cool to get a Nightfallen model option though. Players could easily find a headcanon as to why their character didnā€™t eat an Arcanā€™dor fruit. Shadowlands is all about player agency for our charactersā€™ stories after all.

Did it cure the withered? That one quest you get to pass the fruits around is only to Nightfallen. Also that one named Withered, Theryn shows up in the Nighthold that Nightborne players get access to and heā€™ still a Withered.

Playable male Nightborne, donā€™t look like they ate enough of that Arcanā€™dor fruit.


runas is still alive too. heā€™s just withered. i think nightfallen are intermediate between nightborne and withered. runas starts off as a nightfallen and ends up withered

Nor even have Beards in general.

What kind of Elf who doesnā€™t have a Beard?

Through is he still alive through?

I mean almost all the Withered look the same and we probably ended up killing him to put him out of his misery.

yeah website says heā€™s alive.

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Well, Veressa, if you talk to her, has a distaste for Blood Elves. Is she not the leader of the Silver Covenant, a military faction of HIGH ELVES? Also, For Sylvanas, I was referring to her, when she was alive, and not an Undead Banshee.

Did you read my post? I didnā€™t say she isnā€™t a High Elf. I said thereā€™s no proof she didnā€™t previously have the title of Blood Elf. If she did, she obviously discarded it and reverted to High Elf.

Iā€™m not trying to say definitively that she was called a Blood Elf at some point in the past, just that thereā€™s nothing saying she never was.


I certainly donā€™t agree with these rankings but I wonder what everyone else thinks.

Blood Elves ranked four? I fell out of my chair, and hit my head on my desk I was laughing so hard.


i love that dark ranger look. no wonder so many belfs want that. i linked the timestamp


talisien is confusing the fact belfs look good in everything with the mistaken idea that they got alot of customizations

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What even where their critiera?

Numbers? Visual impact?

No way they are top of the list.

A lot of their choices where just weird. Orcs should have been higher and Trolls a little lower.

Yeah, thatā€™s my thinking.

Currently one of if not the top request.

I think people seeing them every Datamine Stream is making them wanted more and more.

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