Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

not gonna lie, its not interesting even. on top of the fact so many races need more, the one thing that does happen while we all wait on pins and needles, is the race that already has more than enough gets even more. its a facepalm event.

/carries sign that says –dark ranger customizations for blood elves

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What’s not to like? :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t really like Night Elves that much (excluding Maiev, because she’s amazing), but I think their general aesthetic is the best; it’s just so realised and pretty, even their buildings and clothing.

Also, the Night Elf theme song is second to none. I could listen to it everyday :joy:


Yeah I’m sure people after Dark Ranger want you posting about something because you feel like you have to.

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touche’. will reword it - carries sign that says dark ranger customizations for blood elves - thank you and have a nice day.

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thread on the subject

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this is my fav


Mine too. :grin: Every song Blizzard makes is good, but I doubt they’ll ever be able to make another one as amazing as Nightsong.

i like the azuremyst isle music too. for some reason, when i hear it, i get major nostalgia.


You don’t like night elves?! Rude!

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its okay avarie. you have fans. :sparkling_heart:

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That scares me a bit.

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lol i meant nelfs have nelf fans. :sparkling_heart: you as a nelf, have sister/brother nelf fans.
oh sheesh hehe

thrives is gonna look awesome with those leafy options

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what is that from?

The Fly, the 1986 version.

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haha. :rofl:

I love the fact that Kel’thuzad remained sarcastic all these years, in all iterations of him in all Blizzard games he appeared. Such a douche. :rofl:

It will be cool to see him, Uther and Kael’thas again, though I think Kael and Uther changed a lot.


kael is who i want to see.

Hyper I think you’ll like this, not related to WoW but still cool:


I like Maiev! That has to count for something, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

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