Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Japanese with tonkatsu.


Nom nom!!! I made some the other day, but nothing fancy. Just chuck steaks, carrots, and potatoes. But it always satisfies. :slight_smile::curry:

The name Blood Elf was chosen to honour the fallen. The name High Elf was retained to reject the leadership in Silvermoon and the path the Blood Elves had taken.

If a High Elf were to return to Quel’thalas, they would no longer be rejecting the path of the Blood Elves, so why would they keep the name High Elf? That would be like they were directly opposing honouring the fallen.


This doesn’t make any sense, they chose to call themselves Blood Elves to honor their fallen kin before they even chose a path. So I don’t see where the ones that called themselves High Elves still could of objected to something that hadn’t even happened yet. I know there were those that objected and went back to calling themselves High Elves. Still the original ones that never stopped calling themselves High Elves did so because they either felt no loss at their race being nearly destroyed. Or felt that where they didn’t fight for Quel’Thalas that they shouldn’t take on the name. Those are my thoughts,

Yes, I phrased this poorly.

I meant to reference these ones.

I don’t know if there’s any hard evidence about High Elves who never went by Blood Elves at all, so anything in this field is headcanon one way or the other.

Edit: I forgot about the Allerian Stronghold High Elves, but they weren’t on the planet at the time, so…

Veressa Windrunner…she was never a Blood Elf. Nor were Alleria or Sylvanas. They were all High Elves.

No, there is not. Twilight Hammer members could be Paladins and they were just as void touched as anyone else.

Please find me an iron clad source that states she never called herself a Blood Elf. Just because she doesn’t now doesn’t mean she didn’t call herself a Blood Elf before rejecting the title.

I’m not counting undead elves here. They died before the Blood Elf name came into being.

It’s pretty vague on that, though I read she considered joining them and would have if Rhonin hadn’t helped her cope with the addiction in other ways.


Human Potential ways.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Human potential, the cure for elves everywhere.


Kael’thas renamed the High Elves to Blood Elves. As far as I know, there isn’t anything stating that this wasn’t a blanket name change at first, only to have some elves later reject this and revert to calling themselves High Elves.

As this is murky, there isn’t hard evidence that there are High Elves who never went by Blood Elves other than the Allerian Stronghold High Elves and Alleria.

I’m not asserting that there was such a blanket name change, only that there isn’t a lore source stating one way or the other.


vereesa is subjective. it is said that ONLY A FEW elves never accepted the rebranding. those elves, along with alleria, are almost certainly the allerian stronghold elves where only a few survived and were not on azeroth for the rebranding

as for sylvanas shes a blood elf. just like all high elves are really just blood elves who call themselves high elves to disassociate themselves from the horde. jeff kaplan even confirmed it when he was still a wow developer

“lady sylvanas windrunner was once a high elf and therefore a blood elf”

thats how pretty much anyone without an agenda will view it. national tragedies bring people closer, it doesnt drive a wedge between them. joining the horde did that and even then we are talking about an insignificant tiny minority of farstriders who left and sought refuge in dalaran after it was rebuilt and united under vereesa to form the SC to protect dalaran


I don’t think she was even there when he made the declaration, but like I said it’s vague. I think all elves are blood elves though. I mean, I assume we all have blood anyway.


It hardly matters at this point anyway. For now she calls herself a high elf. I think those who call themselves blood elves are, and those who call themselves high elves are.

It doesn’t have to be a complicated argument.


so you liked it? :grin:

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Exactly how so? All of them are void? Who are the void paladins?

I think Aleona is referencing these:

There’s nothing about them being Void touched like Void Elves are though, at least not as far as I can tell.


As far as I’m aware, the idea of Light + Void = :firecracker: is a concept first introduced in Chronicle one, yes? If that’s the case, that concept would’ve came after those NPCs became a thing, which means they might be a retcon.

This too.