Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Being a “blood elf” is not political in terms of faction, after all they became Blood elves before they even joined the Horde. Valeera still considers herself a Blood elf despite serving the Alliance and residing in Stormwind for instance, which tells us that the title itself has very little to do with becoming a member of the Horde.

A high elf welcomed back to Silvermoon, or simply as a member of the Horde wouldn’t be required

Well, until next xpac.

But she does defend Quel’thalas’s decisions including it joining the Horde, she makes it clear she serves Varian, not the Alliance.

She also clearly stated that she doesn’t serve the Horde either, but this is getting away from the point, which was that the title of “Blood elf” doesn’t mean any elf who joins the Horde. Faction affiliation had very little to do with how they came about the renaming.


But it does seem to have something to do with aligning oneself with the Kingdom of Quel’thalas.


Why do WoW Night Elves look absolutely N O T H I N G like that? Everything about that video is just :ok_hand:


Try telling that to all of the Blood elves who ransacked Quel’thalas, stole their source of power, and killed countless Blood elves. A sign of patriotism that is not. The name simply represents a set of beliefs commonly shared between Blood elves, not a measurement or requirement in joining the Horde, or Quel’thalas. In honesty, the name’s original meaning has really outlived it’s purpose as they claimed revenge, and restored their kingdom.

The difference between Blood elf and High elf is now little different than the difference between a Magister, and a Farstrider.

I do like the fact my monk can now be blind. Living out my Sifu dream. Sorta… Monks need work.

It’s more of an ideology.

Question: is there a source besides head canon that states void elves will explode if they become paladins? Does Blizzard state this anywhere? I’m genuinely curious.


Alleria and Turalyon can’t touch when she’s in void form because of the volatile reaction. Putting that reaction into a single person seems like it would end poorly.

Also the Warcraft universe’s equivalent of the big bang occurred because of the galaxy-creatingly big explosion caused by the Void and the Light rubbing up on each other.

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Was it mentioned somewhere that Alleria and Turalyon can’t touch while she’s in void form? Like from a quest or something. I don’t recall seeing it.

darkness cannot abide within the light

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I think it was in a novel or a comic or something. I read as little Alliance lore as I can get away with so I don’t remember exactly off the top of my head. I’m just cooking a curry atm so I can’t check but I’d be happy to track the source down when I’m done if you like.


It was in the audio drama A Thousand Years of War.

I will have to check that out. I’m unfortunately behind on the novels and whatnot. Thank you for the info, much appreciated!

Don’t they touch in Shadows Rising or am I remembering wrong?


It’s just when she goes all purple.

Have you checked out Chronicle? That has a lot more detail on the relationship between Void and Light.

It was in Shadows of War. They wouldn’t explode, but Alleria would burn Turalyon or vice versa.

“If she was in her Void form Turalyon’s touch would burn, but now his touch felt like balm”–was them briefly touching on the subject, or some crap like that.

I think the Void is only omnipresent in the Sin’dorei Void Elves, because they were transformed in a different matter. Who knows, though.


Hello guys. How’s everyone doing this week or today?

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oOo what kind of curry? :drooling_face:

Not that I know of.

We know Void and Fel become unstable as well as Arcane and Fel. Undeath is weak against the Light, but even one of undeath can channel the Light. It’ll be painful, but they can do it.

However, we can kind of assume Light and Void is due to the reaction the Sunwell had with the Void being near it. Then again, the well is a mixture of Arcane and Light so that could also be a reason for its reaction. We also assume they are because they’re polar opposites in the cosmology chart. :woman_shrugging: