Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I stand utterly corrected. :stuck_out_tongue:

yep. one of alliance’s ARs is hamstrung by the light, and another by the void. very niche. needs to loosen up, otherwise the only future velfs and lfd will have is dh, and if they ever get around to making new classes. clock is ticking


Why do they need more classes again?

variety is the spice of life. high elves would be so cool as paladins but velfs cant be pallies cause they go boom - thus something needs to give, same for belf druids. belf druids would be so cool but they’ve been ignored for the sake of class balance, which is silly since horde already has class imbalance. lfd would benefit from just about anything. they are supremely boring.

my debate with gulkas last night, gave me further ammunition to support belf druids. :grin:


where is the ancient in quel’thalas?

How are we back onto this?

8 horde shaman vs. 4 alliance shaman, means it wont hurt a thing for horde to have 5 druids vs. 3 alliance druids, because clearly class balance hasnt been the prevailing decision maker. in the same way, 6 alliance paladins vs. 3 horde paladins wont hurt any more than 8 horde shaman vs. 4 alliance shaman.

further implications: lack of orc priest is for some other reason than class balance


But he only referrred to ‘whiny’ alliance players.
Are you whiny?

depends on the interpreter. its considered whiny by some players that i want my velf helf to actually look like a helf and not a velf with normal skin colors. i’m willing to compromise and just ask for new hairstyles and pastel hair colors if velfs cant have black, white, blonde, brown and red.

concurrently (borrowed that word from the architect in the matrix hehe), many of these same some dont view my requests for belf dark ranger customs and belf druids, to be whiny. i recognized this and adopted the position that i am both whiny and non whiny simultaneously, like a forum schrodinger’s cat.


I think if you believe you’re whiny then you’d think he was talking about you.

correct. i’m both whiny and non whiny. an anomaly, a glitch in the forum matrix (watching the tv series, person of interest so i’m stuck in philosophical mode)

I liked that show but was a bit disappointed with how they ended it.

eek. who’s your fav character?

That’s really hard to say, I think I enjoyed all of them about equally.

i love finch but get the biggest kick out of root. reese is personified cool. and fusco’s names he gives people makes me giggle. like he calls finch “glasses” and he has a bunch of hilarious names for root lol

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I am very whiny.


and non whiny. so welcome to the schrodinger’s cat club

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only for spider elves

I’m that way for BE druids and San’layn.

Though if there was a San’layn option to go like spider transformation, I’d be very into it.

Transformation into bat gargoyle or spider. Yes plz.

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Gimme gimme spider elves! Also I am whiny because a potato would be faster than my isp.