Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I thought what we had was special. :disappointed_relieved:


Fezzy was probably talking about other blatant necros, not you!

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I wonā€™t forget this betrayal.

They should be happy but you can never please whiny Alliance players.

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I dunno, Iā€™m rather pleased that Void Elves are getting High Elf customization options. I guess that blanket assumption just went out the window!


I hate blatant thread necros.

I rather enjoy my death knight compatriots Horde and Alliance side.

its almost but not quite. pizza without cheese. soda without bubbles. and one moreā€¦shakespeare without sonnets. it looks like it might be related, then you notice the tentacles. haha

notice the opā€™s title is for: void elves, blood elves and misc high elves - (paraphrased). this is where we talk about that.

this makes the most sense. it was originally used for core races with low player pop. so what explains belfs or zandalari or dark iron dwarves? i suppose the same criteria could apply to dark iron as to cata dwarves. but zanda were a hit before they were finally playable and belfs have been a success since tbc, probably the best decision theyā€™ve ever made for the health of the game.

Did you see this mockup I made?

I added a single shoulder pad, mismatched gloves, nail polish, lipstick, and ranger tattoos, but other than that this is a look you can make in Shadowlands.


Please donā€™t put words in the mouth of one of the anti discordā€™s admins.

you look cool, but you look like a void elf with farstrider tats, blue eyes and normal skin. looks very cool though. thumbs up on your skills. however, because velfs have such strong visuals with their hairstyles - the wet/greasy look, it still doesnt look like a helf. its almost there though. we need some new hairstyles but not till belfs get dark ranger customizations.

Iā€™d like to see Dark Ranger options for Blood Elves. Void Elves can already pull this theme off, but only a little.


/pretends to ignore you cause youā€™re being mean

whatever happened to the belf poster who wanted light theme customizations for belfs? forget her name but she was pretty adamant that she wasnt interested in the edgier stuff as she saw it as a potential for making belfs look like villains. remember her?

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Thereā€™s nothing mean about not pretending this is some thread thatā€™s here in support of more helf stuff. Itā€™s a containment thread.


Skinny Kultiran human model toggle option in the Kultiran customization.

Would be a great addition easy to implement being the model already exists.

This thread is about Blood Elves/Void Elves/High Elves sir. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Skinny Kul Tirans use the Forsaken rig, Dark Rangers are Forsaken, Dark Rangers are misc high elves, Kul Tirans are on topic. Not forced at all.