Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Humans - 9
Void elves - 8
Dwarves - 10
Dark Irons - 10
Lightforged - 5
Night elves - 9
Gnomes - 8
Kul Tirans - 9
Draenei - 8
Mechagnomes - 8
Worgen - 8
Pandaren - 8

Total: 101

Orcs - 8
Nightborne - 8
Forsaken - 8
Highmountain - 6
Tauren - 8
Mag’har - 8
Darkspear - 10
Zandalari - 10
Blood elves - 10
Vulpera - 9
Goblins - 8
Pandaren - 8

Total: 101

Do continue, however.


boy they sure like dwarves on alliance. why are the most classes stuffed into dwarves, belfs and trolls?

what gets me is you have two trolls, one of which is an AR, both with 10 classes and 1 AR with 9. plus blood elves have 10, also. and here i thought humans were supposed to be the dev favorite. hehehe

edit: good job, gulkas. i stand corrected. still weird that trolls and dwarves and little foxes have more classes than pretty much everybody else. whats up with that?

letter to my blood elf kin:

no longer do you have to suffer with accusations that you alone are the sole owner of the most classes in the game. seems you have competition.

  • signed hyper :sparkling_heart:

p.s. and this must not be allowed to stand. blood elves need druids. then you’ll be back on top. :grin: (at least until dhs are given to everyone)

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this is good news for those who want dh. i wont personally play them, and not a fan of the idea, if getting them might be an excuse for not getting signature core classes like pallies, druids and shaman on alliance and horde ARs. but it would at least add to the variety for races with lower class counts.

What gets me is that despite basically inventing the Shadow spec orcs can’t be priests.

Trolls are the oldest civilisation on Azeroth and dwarves actually represent three different cultures including basically hunter gatherers, a settled, industrialised kingdom and an evil kingdom with a doom fortress for a capital city.

yes that is odd. i mean it makes less sense for orcs to have mages. i dont get why any of the core classes would be off limits this far into the game. lightforged draenei are such a snoozefest, the only people who play them put them in metal bikinis to show off their butt tats or because they have such awesome beards. otherwise…ohmygosh, boring.

edit: isnt alliance behind on shaman or was that fixed? is alliance behind or even or ahead on pallies? and what about horde druids?

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I don’t think they’re keeping Druids/Paladins/Shamans equal anymore, it seems to be a free for as far as any sort of ratios go.

Horde Druids: 4
Alliance Druids: 3

Horde Shamans: 8
Alliance Shamans: 4

Horde Paladins: 3
Alliance Paladins: 5

Horde are basically leading in everything but Paladins; even then, it’s pretty close.

I think the gap balances itself out with the other classes, though. We have two more mages than them, one more rogue, etc.

Horde has 1 more druid than alliance, alliance are 2 ahead i believe when it comes to pallies and horde are 3 ahead when it comes to shammies. This is from memory so my numbers are likely off.

That being said, the disparity is not bad. It’s relatively even.

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Warrior: H12/A12
Paladin: H3/A5
Hunter: H12/A12
Rogue: H10/A10
Priest: H10/A12
Shaman: H9/A5
Mage: H10/A12
Warlock: H7/A7
Monk: H11/A10
Druid: H4/A3
DH: H1/A1
DK: H12/A12

Total: H101/A101

Horde leads in: Druid (1), monk (1), shaman (4), for a total of 6
Alliance leads in: Paladin (2), priest (2), mage (2), for a total of 6
Equal: Warrior, hunter, rogue, warlock, DH, DK

This includes pandaren for both factions. If you want to exclude pandaren, then subtract 1 from:
Warrior, hunter, rogue, priest, shaman, mage, monk, and DK.

Whilst one faction might dominate a certain class more (to differing degrees depending on the class in question), overall things are balanced, with a total of 101 race/class combinations for both factions, and both factions leading in 3 classes over the other, for a total of 6 more combinations with those classes.


I like the idea of different races paladins getting appropriate light colors. Like for example of Nelves got Paladins i’d like their “light” to be Silver.

But in the case of “High Elf” Paladins i don’t think they should be Void Elves. We’re told that the new customization options are to represent High Elves so the Paladin options would simply be High Elf Paladins within the Alliance. I think that’s a better way to go about it rather than making them Void Paladins.

This is why i’m not a fan of races based on one niche theme. There’s only so much they can do with them. Lightforged Draenei are in the same boat.

I think Shamans (and to a lesser extent druids) would be a cool options ofr High/Voids. Especially since they’d be the only Elves who could be shamans. And you have the story potential for them (as well as druids if you wanted) to come out of the Quel’Danil lodge since. Since they’ve abandoned arcane practice they may have found ways to connect to the dream/druidism or shamanism.


Dwarves and Trolls both had low player populations, so in Cata they went all out on their class choice to try and get more players to play them.

Since Shaman was originally Horde only, and Paladin was originally Alliance only, it makes sense that the Horde would have more Shaman and the Alliance would have more Paladins.


Kinda weird tho that for shaman alliance side they’ve got: draenei, dwarf, dark iron dwarf, kultiran.

Horde paladins: blood elf, tauren, zandalari.

Horde could use another paladin race.
As well as more druids for both sides.

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Some guy just necroed like 8 high elf threads

Not related to the thread, just something I noticed just now

7 actually

Not directly linking so he don’t come round here
hope he doesn’t find out

but like


Anthropomorphic rubbish heap or something.

Maybe because it’s the closest he can get to the Necromancer class? :rofl:



I noticed this and wanted to reply and call him out but I didn’t want to fuel the necro and opted not to. He necroed posts from months to over a year old!



Hate blatant necros.

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