Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

At this juncture I feel like everyone could stand to have at least one more class, though there aren’t any more combinations planned aside from DKs for ARs which I am over the moon with, especially for Void Elves and Nightborne. All this being said though, I don’t see anyone else getting one for a while, though I could see them down the line, especially if they revamp the racial system to include multiple racial groups under one playable race.

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oh they have 8 for shadowlands with the addition of dk. i need to look at the numbers on a shadowlands list . before shadowlands they had 7. orcs had 8 cause they already had dk so their number didnt increase with shadowlands.

ah lfd and hmt now have 6 because of dk. zandalari now have 10.

well i still think velfs need more. as do the others i mentioned. orcs need more too since they didnt get a new class for shadowlands

and it would be nice if they reviewed what classes people are asking for. like belfs want druids. velfs want paladins. nelfs want paladins. the few nightborne i’ve talked to, want druids. forsaken want paladins. gnomes want druids. tauren want demon hunters. thats just off the top of my head. the horde generally wants ogres, mok’nathal, dark rangers and san’layn. the alliance wants a playable high elf. maybe some day lol

and gnomest wants gnome and goblin demon hunters, i do believe. :grin:


If Void Elves don’t need more classes why do Blood Elves need druids? Not saying I am against Blood Elves having Druids but when you take a step back and look at it, Blood Elves can be every class in the game except for Druids and Shamans. Why do they need more but Void Elves have “enough”?

Blood Elves have more classes than most races… yet it’s ok for them to get one of the last two they don’t have… but that’s not special treatment?


he doesnt think belfs need druids. if i recall. i think zandalari have 10 also. checking dwarves…

Would be a better gotcha if I’d said that.


I see. Just from the point of view of the last few posts, it just seemed like an unfair standard.


I wasn’t trying for a “gotcha”, but Hyper clarified you weren’t pushing for Blood Elf Druids.


yeah his position is everythings fine. well except that velfs have ruined belf exclusivity and any attempt to come up with ideas to promote exclusivity is likely to meet with derision unless the words - void elves are being deleted - precedes them. hehe


zandalari and dwarves have as many classes as belfs, as of shadowlands.


That is absolutely not my position. I’m sorry I just don’t agree that void elves are hard done by because they have the same number of classes as the majority of other races, to the point they need to bend the lore over a barrel in order to give them more.

Do some races need more classes? Yes. LFD and HMT are both actually lacking in classes and need more. Orcs are currently the only race in the game without priests and the only reason they don’t have them is faction balance, since there’s actually more lore for orc priests than most races. Humans don’t have druids despite the fact of the three human factions two of them do have druids. Darkspear should have access to Paladins since Zandalari do and night elves should have access to them too.


is it a common request? if so i’ll add it to that post

little dogs from the desert have more classes than most of the races in the game. :rofl:

I have to agree with you that I don’t feel Void Elves are “hard done” as far as class options are concerned.

While I wouldn’t mind Paladins (especially if Void themed), I don’t feel they are vital for Void Elves to have. I mean I get why people would want them when portraying a High Elf, and it certainly would make it easier for any Horde Blood Elf Paladins who wanted to switch to Alliance, but the lack of them doesn’t intrinsically hurt Void Elves or mean their options are limited. As you mentioned, other races have fewer class options.

Personally, I’d like to see Demon Hunters proliferated to Void Elves (with blue-black void effects in place of fel green) and to Nightborne (the Felborne were kinda cool). It would give both races another class and gives an alternative race for Demon Hunters on both sides. But that’s nearly as unlikely as Paladins I think.


Personally I’d like to see demon hunters become like DKs. The only reason that they were elf-specific was because that’s all Illidan had to hand at the time. There’s literally nothing stopping the Illidari teaching new DHs going forward and I think it was Ion who said that very thing in an interview.


k alliance needs shaman. but if you listen to gulkas the race receiving them has to meet a list of criteria even stricter than paladins. alliance is behind on classes vs. the horde, as some of their ARs have more classes than core races on both factions. this has caused an imbalance, and its not easily resolvable because alliance received an AR hampered by light and an AR hampered by void

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I would have no objection to every race having access to Demon Hunters… sadly, we’ll probably have to wait for a Legion rehash for something like that to happen. Either that or something new that requires the unique skills and prowess of Demon Hunters and incites them to recruit en masse.


No they don’t. There’s 101 race/class combos on both factions.

Orcs and HMT. The fact HMT can’t be priests is extreme levels of what.



Sorry, I pulled a Blizzard and completely forgot about HMT.

Orcs and HMT.


zandalari, a horde AR no less, has 10 classes, as do belfs and trolls. and vulpera have 9.
the alliance has 1 race with 10 classes - dwarves.