Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

There’s nothing “logical” about that theory.

There’s no logical reason to think Void Elves ate up any customization budget for Blood Elves when Void Elves got no extra work of any consequence devoted to them beyond that which other allied races got.

Copying and pasting Blood Elf skin tones did not require much time or effort beyond copying some files from one location and pasting them into another location and then updating a file to account for the additional options.


I’ve actually worked QA for quite awhile.


I get the logic here, but if they were afraid they’d be giving something to the Blood Elves as compensation for Void Elves getting all their skins.

This right here is probably the reason Blood Elves aren’t getting much.

Yeah, but they’re gonna have to update the skins to actually work on Void Elves, and that will take resources.

Please, everyone knows that the blue eyes that were originally datamined for Blood Elves were for Blood Elves and not Npc’s. Yet because there was such a fit thrown about them that Ion said that they were not for Blood Elves. Only to backpedal a few weeks later. Still to prevent the High Elf outcry, they sacrificed the Horde’s most popular race. If Blizzard wasn’t afraid of backlash, they would of just given Blood Elves blue eyes.

Blue eyes was the trade.


What reason do we have to assume Ion was lying on this?

There are now new purple eyes just for NPCs. Clearly they want new NPC only eyes for whatever reason.

If both Void Elves and Blood Elves get blue eyes, that’s not really a trade for Blood Elves.

Race A gets less content than most others of its type. Race A1, a subcategory of Race A, gets more content than most others of its type. To say there’s nothing logical in seeing a potential connection between the two is just not true mate.

That’s not how it works and even if it was, it doesn’t actually matter. They don’t have a legal requirement to spend a certain amount of money on new content.

Then come on man, you know how much managers love trimming the fat.

I really meant more in regards to the overall lack of content for belfs. I absolutely agree that backpedalling on blue eyes for belfs was an OH SCHEISSE MEIN UNDERPANTEN ARE SHOWING moment.


You’re right. They will need to crop the underwear from the original Void Elf body textures and paste it over the Blood Elf underwear. Then clean up the edges to make it blend in seamlessly. Beyond that… what?

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belfs have the only high elves at this point. velfs with normal skin tones, dont look like helfs. they just look like velfs with normal skin tones. take, for example, a belf with one of the signature belf hairstyles that no other races have, now give that belf blue skin. it would just look like a belf with blue skin lol. thats the current situation for velf helfs. they really arent what i’d consider a playable helf.


The trade wasn’t the eye color, it was High Elf options. Blood Elves only needed the blue eyes. Void Elves needed much more. So Void Elves were given, blue eyes, and skin tones.

But Blood Elves have been told constantly that they are not High Elves. So no we are not helves, we are belves who finally got our blue eyes back. The ones many have been waiting for since Blood Elves became playable.

Speaking of underwear can male void elves get the option to use the thong they used to have? For customization of course…


I catch your meaning on this. I feel like if that were the case about money they would’ve implemented a lot of no brainer money makers. Every race has the casting animations, they could add tauren mages, draenei rogues, orc priests etc. That’s free money.

So I really don’t know why they don’t add more. They’ve wasted so much time fiddling with covenants for it to be considered smart money management versus time. Especially since they’ve had to retune or rework ones on a weekly basis. Cosmetic options are pretty simple; design, set, forget.


I agree that Void Elves aren’t the reason for lack of content for Blood Elves.

On the same note however, Blizzard should be applying at least the same amount of effort into adapting more options for Blood Elves, such as the highly requested Dark Ranger skins and eyes, which already exist on up to date NPCs. Tattoos already exist for Demon Hunters as well, so that could also be easily adapted, so I would expect to at least see those by launch.


That’s kind of proving my point though. Those would be low effort additions. If Blizzard was interested in making the literal best possible user story. However if they can get away with avoiding that expenditure, why would they? Have you run the numbers? Can you say for sure whether the addition of say, orc priests would actually increase their profits enough to be worth it?

i’ve always said belfs are helfs. they’re helfs who renamed themselves belfs. the only people who say they aren’t helfs are those who read the lore strictly. but all thalassians are helfs of various genetic differences. npc helfs are depicted mainly as very pale with purple/blue eyes and typically pale hair colors.

belfs have the entire spectrum of helf skin and helf hair colors, helf hairstyles, and now they have helf eyes too - hopefully they also get access to purple eyes. velfs have a couple helf skin colors and blue/purple eyes, but no helf hair and no helf hair colors. belfs have the whole helf package, though i think it needs to be tweaked with braided hair and braided beards and tats.

Given the popularity of disc priest and PVP players always min maxing, and mythic raiders also falling under the category of mix max, yes. Not to mention players who just want to play an orc priest in general.

I mean if they wanted mad money they would make blood elf druids an option. Even just reskinning every night elf form to a brown, red, orange color scheme it would still sell in mass. Hell even just adding Nightborne as a druid with exact copies of Night Elf forms it would sell lol.

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The Void Elf purple is different from the NPC purple. The Void Elf purple is a kind of eerie Void purple with no pupils, while the NPC purple is a more Arcane purple like Hearthstone Vereesa.

I’m not saying there’s not people who wouldn’t like an orc priest. I, personally, would kill a very short man for the chance to be green. However, the question is whether that would definitely, 100% be worth not only the expense not only in the (probably low) cost of finishing the project, but also the redistribution of manpower from other projects as well as any other longterm costs such as the increased scope of future testing and balancing.

Would they just do orc priests? Would they do other combinations? Is there a danger of scope creep?

This is a game with millions of lines of code, you can’t just set a 0 to a 1 and have it work perfectly.

i love the npc purple eyes. those look so cool.

Man I would lick a tramp for a bowl of pasta right now.