Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Yes. They should be available to belves and velves, not more NPC only garbage.


I get that. I don’t agree with it “redistributing man power” from other projects. Honestly it feels like every xpac since MoP has been thrown together and flying by the seat of their pants most of the time. Certain things in Legion felt right, but overall since MoP it’s felt really rushed and unpolished. I can see the money amount and return being an issue without real polling through the almost entire community.

It definitely depends on how they’ve set their database and how they are assigning objects honestly. Race seems to be a rather hardset with the option of adding classes to them. Given Mag’har are already able to be priests and fitting all the options that would be made available it wouldn’t seem difficult. But I would bet QA could knock out that transition within a week.

Other options with fully different models would be a different beast. Though High Mountain, Dark Iron, Lightforged don’t really have class options their main race don’t have already.

To unless it’s adding in totems or druid forms the cost for adding the options to certain classes seems very minor. But that’s my 2 cents. My background is with SQL, access, PHP, in medical and finance for QA. So it’s definitely a different beast with i assume more object oriented builds. But not impossible or incredibly difficult.

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well part of the problem is, other game types with added ways to generate income are making huge amounts of money, much more than wow does, and their investors are likely asking them to trim fat constantly, just so their investment stays even marginally commensurate with the money generated by those other games. i havent done the math but i remember hearing the income on some of the more popular ones, and was shocked.

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Well I’d say WoW was the money tree that provided all the seed money for Hearthstone, SC2, Diablo 3, etc. So maybe giving back to the game that’s been profitable for almost 2 decades isn’t a big ask. And it will cease providing money if it withers and dies from lack of planning, quality content, etc.

Like how much money was saved by no blizzcon this year? Give that to the WoW team and their budget.


Velfs have every skin tone that Belfs have. So if belfs have the entire spectrum of helf skin colors, then velfs have the entire spectrum of helf skin colors, plus their own void options.


i remember reading the story of a guy who created the battlenet and worked on vanilla wow. he left wow when it went on the stock exchange because investors began trying to tamper with the devs. he then created guild wars. not sure why he left them. probably same reason. he made his own company after that. last i knew he was working on a zombie game with a bunch of other devs/artists/sound people who also were turned off by the whole problem of investors controlling the development of the game.

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i’m just pointing out that belfs can make a helf.
velfs can’t. not yet. though i think they need to give both belfs and velfs, braided hairstyles/beards and tats so they can play something more representative of a helf, rather than just some belfs with blue eyes, which is all helf npcs have been since tbc

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I honestly blame EA for this type of void consumption of studios demanding money.

More studios I wish could work more like CD Projekt Red. When their done with their product you’ll get it. And it’s always incredible.

this guy is a powerhouse

Jeff Strain is an American game programmer and one of the three founders of ArenaNet. He served ArenaNet and NCsoft as the leader of the Art and Production teams and President of Product Development respectively. He was previously the lead programmer of Blizzard Entertainment’s MMORPG World of Warcraft; he also created the StarCraft campaign editor and worked on Diablo and Warcraft III. He is credited as a programmer and executive producer for Guild Wars.

He left NCsoft in August 2009.[1] On November 23, 2009, it was announced that Jeff had founded Undead Labs to create a zombie game for major consoles called State of Decay.

his undead labs has a website.

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I said it before and have seen the pattern over every expac. They will hold off on other/major type options for a 9.x patch. It will be one of the bigger selling points to keep people interested or bring people back into retail for a bit longer.

well they could reinvigorate the game for sure with well done helfs, and also giving belfs and nightborne druid class. maybe add a new class like tinker or bard or both. a new profession like architect, and player housing. new stuff, ya know, like they use to do. hehe



ty. wanna do this one too? ain’t it great. thats a belf. see his runic tats by his eyes

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fantastic. give him a couple braids and perfect belf helf

I love the idea of giving Blood Elves Druids, as they would have majestic forms as well as bring something a little bit different to the table while adapting the primary concepts. Same with Nightborne.


The demands are simple.

Supply a unisex version of Asuna’s Haircut from Sword Art Online and everyone would be happy.


Okay, now post this one.

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Yes they can. Why do you think they can’t?

Well, he was -together with me and other posters- the one to say Velf customization shoouldnÂŽt come at the expense of Belf ones.

Guess what happened