Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

They should at least give Void Elves white, and black hair options. I also think retexturing their hair to make it look less wet and greasy would go a long way in making them look better. Also males could really use a few hair styles without widows peaks.

Also scars, Farstrider, and Runic tattoos for Blood, and Void Elves


Yeah. You think it’d be the style, but it’s actually the texture that really gives that effect.

Just new hair colours could really help a lot more than people think, at least for females.


I agree with the new skin tones they could really use more hair color options . Black, and white should be a given. Yet I would also like platinum blonde, light brown, a wheat like color, some shade of red. There’s many shades of red I don’t see why void Elves cannot have at least one. I’m probably one of the few who think that void elves should have access to some decent f the Blood Elf hairstyles. Being tainted by void shouldn’t of made them forget how they liked wearing their hair.


Well, to be fair we do have that /silly about the Void being our hair stylist.


Truthfully I think almost every hairstyle and color should be open to all races. I mean barbers can change my face, my skin color and my sex, yet they cannot give my void Elf the shy hairstyle that Izzabelle here uses. They’re barbers you would think hairstyles, and colors would be their specialty. They can even give you different Druid forms, and put flesh on the forsaken.


suddenly this imagery of a sophisticated orc wearing a finely embroidered suit, with a rich mahogany pipe dangling from his mouth, seated in a luxuriously upholstered wing back chair and a perfect king’s english accent, comes to mind. :grin:

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i love this idea but it removes exclusivity which is important to many people. this is why i suggested having the shade of skin you’ve chosen, determine what your other customizations would be. for example, fair skin selection puts you in helf mode and now your options are all braided hair and beard styles, exclusive to your faction but that doesnt include any of the options belfs or velfs have, so they are exclusive. this returns at least a nice chunk of exclusivity to belfs, and allows velfs to play helfs, rather than velfs with normal skin colors. and a belf helf would look different than a velf helf, too

if i had full control of my hands , i’d paint examples of what i mean.

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I think it’s such an oversight to not share VE hairstyles with Blood Elves when they shared Blood Elf skin tones with Void Elves. A lot of the VE hairstyles are modern and chic, or modern and edgy, and BE hairstyles give me early 2000s at best.

Though I do like two of the three new hairs coming for male BEs but that seems to be the trend for core races.


that new short hairstyle for male belfs is fantastic, and the male belf long hair, with pony tail from top of head hairstyle given to female belfs, is cool too. but my female belf needs dark ranger customizations. did you meet my female belf? she’d match her pet (she has two of those pets)


I don’t really like many of the Blood Elf hairstyles, most of them actual seem more 60’s and 70’s to me. With perhaps some 80’s tossed in there.

Would Blood Elves get these non tentacle braid styles as well? Because they should. Also I am almost certain that many would be upset that Void Elves are getting all these new hairstyles where other races got so few. Yes they would be new hairstyles switching the tentacles to braids completely changes the look of the hair. So I would be for it if they were allowed for both Void and Blood Elves,


yes, the idea is to use braided hairstyles and braided beards, only available to horde races other than belfs. then add some brand new ones where needed, as long as they are braided. same for velfs. and make sure they are different than belfs or velfs, so both belf helfs and velf helfs are exclusive from belfs and velfs, and from each other as well. if a large amount of velfs choose the fairer skin tones, they are isolated to braided hairstyles and beards exclusive to alliance, making them look different from belfs and velfs and belf helfs also.

this could also be where the older helf concepts are available, such as farstrider tats and runic tats, isolated to this helf mode for belfs and velfs

or separate them so that only glowing runic tats are for normal belfs but farstrider tats are available for belf helf. same for velfs. glowing runic tats for velfs only and farstrider tats for velf helfs.


Hmmm I kinda get more Britney / Justin vibes for a lot of the hairstyles which places me in my childhood of early 00’s, but overall yeah could use newer modern chic hairstyles!

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I feel old. Rip.


You’re not the only one ;~;

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Fifthed, I’m old. So old I remember the invention of the stick.


As someone with both types of Thalassian Elves, for Blood Elves, I’d love and kill to have Magisters and Farstriders. As for Void Elves, the Magister theme would make sense, but make it a darker theme. For martial classes, like the Warrior, Hunter, etc, maybe an option to make them look like the Silver Covenant High Elves, at least as far as hair color goes. I’m not asking for new hairstyles for Void Elves, but rather a new toggle option to either have Tendrils, Braids, or even BOTH!


This is pretty much where I’m at for colors. For hairstyles specifically I’d do anything that is already being used on the Alliance or originated from an Alliance race. I also don’t mind a complete swap between Void Elves and Blood Elves as they do share a model.