Exactly, some men are masculine, some men are feminine, anyone telling another person they can’t appear another way because it insults them is wrong on every level. And to go further and say their existence is an insult to their identity as a trans man is even worse.
We all want to put ourselves into our characters, except feminine gay, scratch that, feminine men in general, amirite?
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Customization is optional. Races can, and have (as we have seen with other races) get jewelry AND scars AND tattoos. At the same time. And guess what, you can use all of them or none of them or some of them. Nothing is being forced on you to use. It’s called Customization Options for a reason.
There’s no reason jewelry should be removed or not added to males because it’s “feminine”. Firstly, that’s a stereotype, and secondly, what about those people who WANT to have a “feminine” male as their character? I know I want one as a gay man.
There’s also no reason they should remove or add “masculine” hairstyles or scars or tattoos (since these are apparently “manly” somehow) from female character options.
Just add in lots of options for all races and all genders and let players have agency.
I can see that but I don’t think the answer is to force only masculine ideas moving forward and to look at any femininity as bad. I have to vocally say Snowsong is spot on and I’m glad she made her points because it saved me from having to say the same thing. At the end of the day I think we all mean well, just don’t invalidate others on your journey for your own validation, and many of us in this thread are members of the community and or allies, so we all want the best for each other and our in game options for our characters.
He’s literally talking about customizations for pixel elves. He’s basically saying he doesn’t want to be pigeon holed into a stereotype because he feels that jewelry for a Blood Elf Male isn’t masculine and as it stands is looking to be our only options when all he wants is more options to help him roleplay better.
It has nothing to do with trying to deny anyone, oh my god.
its kinda putting blizzard between a rock and a hard place. female players and feminine gay men, and those who like to dress in drag, would feel left out if only blood elves were refused feminine customizations in order to solve the stereotype problem . i think its too late to correct it.
Just a trans guy passing through to say I would love some jewelry especially earrings like Lor’themar. Jewelry isn’t just for women. Heck, I went out to go buy earrings to match my male nightborne.
doesnt feel good to be called disgusting as an actual female for liking feminine things. what am i supposed to do, pretend i’m not female? i’m female. not all females like feminine things, i get that, but blizz should be able to offer various options and then the player chooses.
Except they’re optional, he is not being pigeoned into anything, he’s trying to tell a group of people who want to be represented in the same way he does, that they’re digusting (his words) and an attack on his gender identity.
You can’t say that it’s “pixel” elves when we point out that it’s wrong to exclude a very real demographic of people, and on the same coin say we deserve “masculine” themes. Feminine themes don’t end at jewelry after all.
He literally called feminine themes on male characters disgusting, and an insult to his identity as a trans man. Let’s not take high ground.
They also hide giant foreheads Wish I had one to wear IRL