Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

i’d show off mine but my chars have disappeared from the char selection?

Sort of seems like Blizzard ran out of budget or the time schedule got tightened to keep the release date tbh.

I’m more griping on the whole getting protective over velf features after they stripped the blood elves down for customizations to use on velves.

It’s not necessarily about the class combination, it’s more about High Elven representation which I’m sure is crystal clear to everyone by now. Said representation should include Paladins. And other races can benefit from this, so this is a much better solution than altering a class for one combination.

It’s a fairly straightforward concept.


I want purple eyes for my mage!

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here it is. my pet is cool


Or, they could not have them because it doesn’t actually make any sense with what the race is.


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now if she had dark ranger eyes, she’d match her pet even more. details details.

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Hey sure, it seems like velfs were worked on during the core race period rather than give blood elves anything, but that’s what you get for playing Horde. Next you’ll be like “Why does Blizzard always forget Horde exist during non-faction war xpacs?”

Move on.


Horde Bias duh

I did say in my original comment on purple eyes “I’ve always wanted purple (and glowing purple would be perfect for void (or arcane in belf/helf case)”

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As I’ve stated above, High Elves would still be physiologically High Elves and therefore would be physically able to wield the Light which would be the reason canonically.

I go into more detail above, but it would consist of High Elves and Void Elves uniting under Alleria, and they would remain physiologically distinct from each other, but for gameplay purposes they would be the same, which is what they have already been stated by Blizzard to be more or less, I’m just suggesting fleshing the concept out more and providing other races with the same benefit.

You’re good to move on too, I’ll continue my discussion though, thanks :black_heart:


Is that based on actual game, or what you think they should be?

So number two.

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i was surprised that belfs didnt get purple eye option. i mean even the forsaken have purple.

I actually just spelled it out for you quite clearly above. If you refuse to grasp the concept, then that’s your problem.


Here’s my belf’s mog. It’s not perfect, but it’s fairly unique. I’m thinking of changing her hair, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.


Yes. You’re making stuff up to demand things that don’t make sense in the game as it is. I grasp that.


ooo i want that quiver

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It comes with the bow, which thankfully in Shadowlands is no longer spec locked!