Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Meanwhile that other thread look at everything they’ve said lol what a joke

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Nothing is more nuts than the incessant petulant entitled demands for a blonde haired blue eyed void elf paladin at the expense of lore and what little Blood Elves have left of a distinct identity.

Compared to the absurdity even this compilation of EVERYTHING I’ve seen people asking for is reasonable.

The toxicity comes from a wide array of behaviors.


Oh my gosh it’s Star!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Don’t worry guys, I’m sure more customizations for Allied Races will be a selling point for the next expansion. We just need to chill a bit and wait.

My personal take from Shadowlands and Blizzconline is, patience, WoW development is going strong but it’s not up to speed with previous expansions, so we gonna need to be more patient than before, and focusing more on what we have to play with now than what is coming next.

It’s a bit sad and boring, but we should be glad that this game is still being developed.

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Honestly I don’t.

Its a feature of SLs. Just like AR’s were a feature of BfA.

I think this is the last we’ll actually hear of it excepting them reiterating they have no plans for more.


blizzard claims to listen to the community yet really? is the state of nightborne having no options whatsoever is a good enough for them? is its out of season april joke? and to think i was one of those who gave blizzard benefit of a doubt, i don’t know if they ever will listen but our voices need to be heard after this statement, some races have x2000 more options in customization than other races is not “good enough”

also blizzard keeps ignoring high elf option for void elves which honestly im really for since it can make sense and fulfill a fantasy of RP as high elf, our voices as all allied race need to be heard in that matter, being left behind and ignored while paying monthly fee? yeah… thats not a good feeling


Rip the bandaid off and just make Thalassian Elves neutral. The normal options for both factions and unique customizations for Horde and Alliance. Darkfallen/San’layn for the Horde and Void Elves for the Alliance. Eventually the Alliance will have most of the customizations that blood elves have, so why not skip the drama and make it a neutral race.

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Reading this makes me sad but at the same time I’m inclined to agree.

Or let’s not.


That is another suggestion.

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I just think it’s more damaging to continue down that road with it being of benefit to only one side.

They seem to be hesitant to fully giving VEs all options as of now and that’s where I would prefer to see them standing by in terms of that debate. Just mentioning this because your original post said eventually they’ll get all our options and I don’t find that to be true.


That’s a good point, they could be dodging the question until people forget about it. But I don’t think customizations are that hard to be made, unlike the model revamp that was really big and they had to delay Blood Elves and avoided touching Goblins, and Worgen models back in Warlords.

It’s hard to tell indeed, but I think customizations sell like new races, and that’s why I think that even if they’re doing more customizations while Shadowlands is going on, would still be better to announce them for a new expansion than a new patch.

WoW’s patches most of the time seem more like a reason to keep playing than to start playing. All patches combined for a given expansion give at best ~25% more content compared to what comes with an expansion release, and we don’t even know how much of that content was ready when the expansion launches, just waiting for the right timeframe to be released. So, it’s hard to get anything groundbreaking in a patch, I would say that BFA was an exception in some cases with Allied Races being released, and Legion with so many new Zones being added. But historically, patches are always just more of the same, with a new Raid, sometimes with a new Dungeon/Zone, but nothing really big like a new game mode (Arena/Mythic+), a new class, or a new race.

That’s why I think more customizations are planned for the next expansion.


The thing that really bugs me about this whole thing is not only is it one sided but it’s starting to seem it will stay that way and our side won’t ever get the same treatment from Night Elves to Nightborne and that really sucks.


With how big the high elf community is, it’s still a possibility and full high elves in the Alliance will continue to be asked for. It’s my opinion that it’s a likely possibility the Alliance will get them and may receive options that the Horde will want. I believe it will be justified that they would want it too, which is why I suggest making them neutral.

If this is all the Alliance gets, then that’s fine. It will result in some people leaving, which I don’t mind. Poop happens. Same goes for whoever leaves if blood elves were made neutral. We can’t win them all.


Where are you getting those numbers?

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I’d like to know this as well.

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Leave it to alliance players to think of idea’s that only benefit alliance players.


Rp realms, discord servers and regular interactions with people that express their desire for them. I’m not narrowing my vision either. I have gone to the people that do not want them and I get it. However, they have yet to present to me anything that will change my mind and agree with them.

Actually, I use to be further on the side of high elves and how they should be strictly an Alliance race, how we deserve more options and yada yada. Made a friend over a discussion how that’s too much and they talked to me for a while to help me understand a few things.

When I say a large community, I am not talking about the tens or hundreds of thousands. To me, I’d think a few hundred people would be fairly large. However, the high elf community, with over a thousand to two thousand people, have proven to be very persistant.

That’s a fair assumption, but still wrong. Of course there are other races on the Alliance I believe can do with being made neutral as well. I can easily see a faction of draenei and humans joining the Horde.


How many people play Blood Elves and take issue with their race being carbon copied to suit the needs of a thousand people maybe two thousands according to you but we don’t know for sure.

Their discord has about 800 ish members give or take at last seeing it, you need to account for antis who just chill there (not many but a few), duplicate accounts, as well as people who just join AR discord’s.

The same 20 people on the forums making HE threads doesn’t add too much to that number, and while I’m sure you do meet people who are okay with it, I meet tons who aren’t.

So why is this being projected as a major power player in decision making pull at Blizzard? They were just considered and won a huge victory and some distinction was left, perhaps for the very many people that play Blood Elves?


It has pointy ears, but is it even a elf anymore?
I’m all for the 3rd eye and tendril beards; but that isn’t a beard.
I was expecting something like small thin tendrils hanging from the tip of the chin or something.

This seems a bit much to me… I think the partly ethereal skins would be the better way to expand void themes going forward… I think this just bottlenecks void elves from a overarching void theme to a very specific old gods theme.

If I wanted a old-god looking void elf though i’d tone down the the tentacles here down about 70% and slap it on his chin, give him fins for ears, remove the mouth stomach and give him Cephalopod patterned skintones with gills on them.