Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I don’t consider your opposition to my wants as toxic. But your interactions with me lately have felt rather hostile. As if I personally did something to hurt you. If I did, and I didn’t realize it, I apologize. Maybe you won’t take what I say as sincere, and maybe how I word things isn’t as good as it could be to convey what I am trying to say, but I don’t consider you “toxic” or unjustified in how you feel about the options Blood Elves got or even your desire to protect their “uniqueness”.

I just feel like there was a sudden shift from the dynamic you and I had a while back. And after that shift your posts towards me became colder and more hostile seeming. Maybe I simply read them wrong, but that’s how they came across to me.

We disagree on the definition of stealing, even in the case of sharing assets from Alliance races with Void Elves so as not to copy any more assets from Blood Elves. I can’t help that. I’m not really asking for more “High Elf” options at this point. I’m simply asking for options.

Am I asking for some traditional hair colors in the Human spectrum? Yes I am. Do I need them to be exact copies of what Blood Elves have? No I do not. Do my wants include at least one shade of blonde? Yes. Does it need to be the sunny yellow or platinum blondes of Blood Elves? No it does not, and in fact I’d much prefer a more muted more beige blonde, which is not a blonde that Blood Elves have.

I’d be quite content with these hair colors added to Void Elves:

But I understand that you and others oppose those last two options.