Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I mean I guess we will see. :man_shrugging:t2:

I don’t see anything interesting about yet another non Forsaken leading the Forsaken.

Interesting would be to have a council of actual Forsaken leading them.

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I agree, and the Desolate Council that was set up in Before the Storm made for fascinating story telling. I would like to see that narrative revived and continued.

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I can see that as interesting, but who would be the forsaken rep for the horde council? Most likely would be calia.

Yeah so… anyway. Natural hair colours for void elves! Wooo, let’s make it happen Blizzard! :star_struck:


I think your looking for an arguement asking for this.

I do not believe natural hair colors for Void elves would be a good fit for them.

I am going to paste this post here for the pic;

You can still RP as a HE with these, and they are not natural hair colors while still maintaining BE keeps their own appearances.

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Go roll blood elf.


Belmont, Gunther Arcanus, Aelthalyste, Velonara and yes… even Voss.

There, a Forsaken council that represents all the branches of the Forsaken, including their religion.

No outside influence.

No light abomination pretending she knows what it’s like to be a Forsaken or that wants to pass the act that she cares about them.

Back to isolationism baby.


Too bad a third faction can never be a thing in WoW due to game balance (if there is any)

Isolationism doesn’t mean separation.

There’s a reason why Forsaken started as neutral with the rest of the Horde.

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You mean other then the fact the horde didn’t trust them due to sylvannas’s nature?

And the fact that they were more worried about Scarlet zealots.

Seems an odd claim, since the scarlet are obviously not forsaken, and mostly not of the undead variety.

But I can beleive it.

I mean how they were around Lordaeron fighting them. That was the whole gist of the starter zone for Forsaken.


Midare, a quiestion, how do you feel with everyone trying to take dark rangers away from the forsaken?

Honestly, I don’t care who it goes to as long as it remains within the Horde.

It would feel a little weird to have a toggle for a “elven dark ranger” as a forsaken, though.


Why, because that would mean Forsaken getting options?


They should just delete void elves. Players begged for wannabe high elves got them and still complain. You should just have night elves and nothing more.

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I’m all for forsaken options, but just like I don’t want Void Elves to step on the toes of Blood Elves, I don’t want Forsaken to step on the toes of anyone. No matter if it’s inferior humans (which is why I’ve been against a Nathanos choice for Forsaken) or even a faction on the same side.

I feel it would be hypocritical of me if I was against one and in favor of the other.

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Dark Rangers are Forsaken, not blood elves.