Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Well, not easily. They do manage to raise several of the kaldorei there I believe before one of the Val’kyr dies

Tyrande kills the Val’kyr after you get Nathanos down to a certain % of health. Then they just slowly fly away while Malfurion and Tyrande don’t make use of any of their ranged attacks because uh… Reasons.

Also bear in mind that Val’kyr get routinely curbstomped from Wrath onward. It’s not exactly an accomplishment.



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Nice out of context quote. Please continue to be disingenuous.


Edit: this again shows that certain Night elf fans won’t be happy unless the Night Elves are shown to be able to solo the entire Horde.



While I agree that “showing >>> telling,” the fact that the devs told us rather than showed doesn’t automatically make it non-canon, unfortunately.

Just like how we have been told Sylvanas met the Jailer back in Edge of Night, despite the book never showing that this occurred…and you can easily find it right here on the community website! :point_up::smiley:

Yes, Warcraft canon is weird.

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No one said it isn’t canon either. It does however have far less impact.

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Everyone can see that post. And everyone can see that Kyalin put an arbitrary “IT HAS TO BE SHOWN IN GAME” when it came to discussing character power levels. Completely dismissing other canon sources like dev statements. You contributed to this.

Keep backpedaling.



Because the argument isn’t about what’s canon it’s about presentation. It’s always been about presentation. No one is backpedaling anything. Keep being dishonest.

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No, it wasn’t.

Kyalin doesn’t want anything but cinematics as evidence.


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Cinematics and in game presentation. discrediting books because the vast majority never read them isn’t saying they aren’t canon. It’s saying they don’t have the same impact.

Kyalin did recognize five things I brought up, and has since not replied.

Elluriah disavowed the five things Kyalin recognized. Which made her mad.


The thing that Kyalin and Elurian seem too have a hard time grasping? It’s a MMO, they can not show EVERYTHING in game, it’s why companies create companion materials like lore books and novels.

But they will discount any of that because it wasn’t shown in a full blown, million dollar cgi cinematic.


Other MMOs seem to do so just fine. FFXIV comes to mind.

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Gonna press X for doubt on that.

Yeah, it’s saying they don’t matter (read: dismissing them).

She asked for where we got the idea that the Alliance characters are strong.

Responses included:

The game (quest text/cinemtaics)
Dev statements

But apparently the only ones allowed to matter are the cinematics. Because it’s showing not telling.



Doubt all you want. They don’t need to release a book in between every expansion. It’s a story driven MMO. The entire story is in the MMO.

Pretty sure books can tell stories…?

Also, I feel like this needs to be addressed:

This isn’t necessarily true; plenty of people who care enough about the lore read supplemental novels as much as they play the game.

And even addressing lore/canon information by book isn’t necessarily “telling vs. showing,” since the “show, don’t tell” rule isn’t dictated by medium; it’s a rule of storytelling. You can just as easily show instead of tell in a printed book as you can in a video game, which has been demonstrated by fantasy authors for as long as the genre has been in existence.

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Well, at least someone besides me grasps that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yes, but you’re not giving out pancakes, so…

…are you the Waffle Man or the French Toast Maid?