Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

That’s an odd thing to say when we’re literally in the afterlives expansion and meeting and interacting with characters who died, and the chances of Nathanos returning after SL are pretty high so dead is in fact not dead.

Won what exactly? One of their zones back? Sure, but I’d still like to get atleast those zones back we had prior to BfA.

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Inb4 whinging about Huln Highmoutain.

He’s still dead until otherwise stated. Don’t know what to tell you. And Darkshore was and still is a victory

No, because honestly, having him as the Darkshore end boss—and having him actually, canonically, die at the end of it—is what they should’ve done to begin with, considering he’s clearly portrayed as the resident Horde commander in the intro cinematic.

Instead, we got the whole “Sira vs. Maiev” nonsense, which was even more exasperating considering Sira continued to be a royal ^%#$& all the way into Shadows Rising.


He still would’ve wound up in the Shadowlands…well the Maw to be precise. So nothing actually would’ve changed, just the area he died.

Still would’ve been a better way to show how the night elves reclaimed their land than the one little cinematic they got.


And it was pretty much already stated otherwise in that one Ion interview, so pretending that Nathanos is dead dead is quite not correct.

And I didn’t deny that, but judging from your past posts here it seems like you think that this alone should’ve already resolved Teldrassil for all Night Elf players.

Teldrassil is never going to be resolved the way you want it to be.

Night Elf players want the zones back they had prior to BfA, a new home and an actual future for their race. Furthermore they would like to free their dead people from the maw and get some sort of justice against the lead architects of the Teldrassil genocide.
I really feel like this is not too much to ask, yet I keep seeing Night Elf fans as a whole being called crazy for it. I’d really like to know what’s so wrong with those things

That aside, I also think that forsaken players should get a new home and Tirisfal back


A cinematic that was in the beta for 8.1 but never finished until 8.3 and all they did to “finish” it was throw in some really weak music.

That multi million dollar cinematic wasn’t enough

Okay than.

Citation needed

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Eh the production cost of ingame cutscenes isn’t even close to millions, I’d say most of them are in the hundreds (at most).

Well the people around now will be here regardless. Not sure the devs think it worth the effort they might want.

There is a slight difference between killing a general (?) Surrounded by an army and killing a lone fugitive. The second usually looks less heroic and gives off a slight obsession.

…an in-game cinematic using in-game models cost them multiple millions of dollars?

Okay then.

Personally, I like to think most players—in both factions—agree with this kind of sentiment:

And this, quite frankly, goes back to Sylvanas and Nathanos specifically—neither of them are considered Horde anymore, and if Thrall handing Sira over is any indication, the dimension-trotting manhunt for the two is a combined effort.

But then Blizzard will still inevitably have to deal with:

  1. This exhausting insistence on “Sylvanas and the Jailer and their big, bad, plan for universal domination by death”
  2. The fact that the Kaldorei have had their capital city destroyed
  3. The fact that the Forsaken have not only had their capital city destroyed, but more importantly, their entire cultural identity obliterated
  4. The Horde at large being villain-batted yet again to make the Alliance look good, meaning that even if Thrall makes good on his promise to serve Sylvanas’ head up on a silver platter, there’s still going to be the possibility of yet another Sylvanas, another Garrosh, etc. etc.

Like, dealing with Sylvanas and the Jailer “looks good” the same way that big, flashy, dramatic events like Theramore and Teldrassil are (supposedly) “exciting.”

But at the end of the day, we still have the faction mess that made it all possible to begin with.

Multi-Million Dollar Film or something a machinmator made in his spare time. Who can tell the difference?

Captain Grim unironically makes better cinematics than this.

Said general was likely being juiced up on Jailer powers along with the two Val’kyr there.

Especially. Kill a strong general, not one left behind by your patrons.

…doesn’t the Alliance player character rather easily kill one of two Val’kyr at Darkshore while Malfurion and Tyrande engage Nathanos, forcing him to retreat? The game makes it pretty clear that Tyrande’s power level easily trumps that of Nathanos’.

Which again, makes it odd that he somehow escaped Darkshore alive and well after the cinematic:

Nathanos: We will hold this ground…for the Horde.

Cameraman: Ok, cut! That’s a wrap!

Nathanos: Ok, now Malfurion, Tyrande, you guys stay put with your night elven troops while I make another dramatic escape off-screen! The writers say I can’t die yet!

Malfurion & Tyrande: You got it, boss!

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