How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

  • Lightforged + Draenei have a spaceship with a laser (at least one)
  • Majority of Azerothian Wild Gods that have been represented in game side with the Alliance historically
  • You and other posters have repeatedly gestured at Alliance’s supremacy over terrain (Dwarves and their mountains, Night Elves and their forests, etc) superior to the Horde
  • Gnomish engineering is repeatedly depicted as superior to Goblin engineering, e.g. Horde Mech Suit self destructing whereas Gnome Mech Suit was fine, e.g. Mechagon vs Literally Anything Goblin, etc, and now Mekatorque is Iron Man
  • It was confirmed via devs that Night Elves were the first Druids, have been at it longer
  • Jaina and the Void Elves have repeatedly been shown to be more magically competent than the Blood Elves and Nightborne, even being able to teleport out of the Maw without use of the Waystone, even being able to Frost magic the Blight Aware, even being able to conjure Tsunamis, freeze the entire superficial layer of the ocean to have a battle, and more. Jaina alone can apparently also summon an entire fleet of ships from a pocket dimension created by Void magic. Not to mention the magic boat during siege of undercity.
  • Anduin can mass rez the entire army leading to Alliance victory
  • Moira is the Shadow Priest “Main Hero” during Legion; the Dark Iron Dwarves can apparently command the elemental forces of Fire way better than we’ve ever seen a Tauren or Orc or Troll do, so we don’t even have superior Shamans
  • Magical Wild God Wolf Powers
  • The Void Elves are particularly egregious since Shadow/Void was traditionally a Horde thing, but just kidding

Blizzard literally forgot the build the Horde up lol