Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

The more he posts, the more amusing it is.

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Almost as sus as some hipster trying to be cool with terminology.

The community is what elevated them into the spotlight. If they said things the community didn’t like, they wouldn’t support them.

WoW has been bleeding customers and losing relevance for a while, but the past month or two has been staggeringly bad. Treating these personalities with contempt has contributed to that to some degree, because turning up your nose to them is turning up your nose to the people in your community who support them.

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There was a point in that drivel?

The community and game will be better without them.
But hey, your nose doesn’t look brown enough, so keep on rubbing it.

who is preach?

Well I believe that this thread wouldn’t be better without you. :wink:

One of the content creators who makes videos about feedback and system discussions about the game.

“Crucial” is definitely too strong a word.

oh okay so he just got prominent the last couple years. i see no difference if he leaves or not.

Maybe but he’s one of the few who genuinely gives great constructive feedback.

Good to know you’re leaving the thread then. Bye!

Okay grandpa it’s time for bed

Games dead

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They are a waste of breath and a waste of time.

Good to know you won’t be wasting any more “breath and time” posting here.

This is the part that amuses me, because I don’t support any of them. Watching games being streamed is duller than watching grass grow. The only content creator I’ve given money to is Matt Colville (but I got books in return for that). But I’m not stupid enough to think my opinion of them has anything to do with their influence on the community that plays the games they’re streaming.

But hey, points for going for insults that quickly. Means you have a super strong argument.

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Get your own impressions of the game instead of slobbering over some clown.

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Crucial in the same way a canary in a coalmine used to be, haha.

What do you know? You do want to waste your breath and time here! This thread is lucky to have you as the second minion to bump itself.

Oh man… age jokes…almost funny… like John Cena.

People saying that it doesnt matter if streamers or content creators stop playing the game are not relevant, just dont know how communities or the industry works.

The patethic part is that the people at marketing in Blizzard seems so be as lost as those idiots described there. Seems they are ok with losing all that free advertisement and community content, I guess. Those idiots still think that people decide to play or not to play a patch based on the new trailer thay released on their official channel.

Nah, bro. People look for content creator’s opinion on the game to see if they are gonna come back or not. Players just dont believe the companies and are not easily hyped. And if no one is talking about your game, your game doesnt exists. Asmongold already moved to FF and he was 75% of WoW viewers on twitch.

Whatever, I guess. I find a good spectacle to see Blizzard go down in flames. Maybe when they are in the ground the dull, boring and uninspired people could be fired from the decision positions so we can, some day, have a good game again.