Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

Sure. Now stop being an amateur and pick a fight randomly with two other people which will lead into 100 posts arguing between each other so this thread gains more traction.

Go on, we don’t have all day. Step on it greenhorn.

Oh I’m good with criticizing.
This discussion is whether content creators are necessary for a game to thrive or not.
Not about critiquing the game lol

We’re not even talking about gameplay systems, try and keep up old man.

Pick any topic covered by say, Bellular right.
Within a week, you’ll see the same topics covered by literally every so called “creator” on YouTube lol.
That’s how this game works.
There is no origination from these “creators” which is what you need to you know, be a creator lol.

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They are figureheads of the community, whether you personally like them or not. Do you think a game is more or less likely to succeed if the community moves on?

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I’m saying he doesn’t just echo comments online. And he doesn’t. That’s someone like kelani or bellular, both of whom I’m not a fan of.

Lol, so true on that as well. Whatever gives cheap pop views right? :rofl: :rofl:

Gorak’s Guide to Azeroth videos are some of the newest best stuff I’ve seen.

There was another channel SimplyImpressive which used to make parody and fun content. I think they’re not active anymore.

The community as a whole, no.
But the community as a whole isn’t going anywhere.
Will it succeed without these “creators”?
Absolutely! Other games are doing just that and WoW’s best moment in history was BEFORE all of these cockroaches became mainstream.

I disagree and personally I don’t think anyone that makes it their sole -job- to play a game and comment on it is doing ANYTHING healthy for the game. Why? they have a clear motivation to be logged in 8+ hours a day where anyone else with a 9-5 could possibly only play 2-3 hours a day, it completely skews any sort of metric of actuality. Sure you’ll have people who play 8 hours a day no matter what, maybe popping adderall and getting 4 hours of sleep but really? are they even vocal or on the forefront expressing their biased opinions?

Content creators opinion != my opinion or even some of the people I play with. If he really wanted change why not go work for blizz? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t even have anything against preach, the videos I remember watching back in the day were usually pretty informative… I mean as a whole, content creators shouldn’t be put on a pedestal and when they are --blizz listens and it has negative effects on the game, what would blizz do the next time then? (what they likely do now is) ignore most of the other players feedback, likely including said content creators…

EDIT: And no his videos aren’t bringing people to WoW, Warcraft videos don’t RANDOMLY pop into people’s feed unless they’ve been searching specific strings, no some random guy isn’t randomly gonna tune into watch world first, it would be because his friend IRL gave him the back story and even the he/she would have no idea whats going on… In this day and ages video game market, people want low attention span games, like league of legends where you level a guy up within the time frame and battle, not something you spend 10000’s hours getting to a spot of equal footing.

They’ve listened to the cockroaches for too long in all honesty. It’s horrible for the overall community.

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i could not agree more. nobody had ever heard of “video games” until twitch was invented and content creators started talking about them.

it’s kind of like how makeup wasn’t really popular until beauty influencers became a thing. if Instagram shut down tomorrow nobody would buy makeup anymore because they wouldn’t know what to buy

Content creators provide free publicity for Blizzard. The fact that Blizzard is now creating games that are full of “features” that a lot of people don’t like isn’t something that unpaid volunteers like Preach are obligated to lie about.

In any case, the standard position on content creators is to blame them for the general dissatisfaction of the playerbase. Because if the streamers hadn’t held a gun to these people’s heads and forced them to listen, they would have no idea they didn’t like anything about the game. Customers are sheep who only have opinions about things because they were spoonfed those ideas by the wrong people. If only they could get the right trolls to spoonfeed those mindless drones they see us all as we’d all be deliriously happy hardcore mythic raid loggers.

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Beautifully sarcastic.
I love it.

I’m assuming this is sarcasm.

In which case, I’ll make it clear that my post insists that content creators are important for the game. Not saying they are the game itself.


Truest statement.
That’s all they really do.
They don’t really create anything.
They’re yet another big head recording a video for sycophants who can’t decide anything on their own.

What do you think this entire thread is about genius? LMAO

It’s super simple.
It’s why all their videos are minimum ten minutes, some stopping a few seconds after that mark.
Maximizes profitability.

Hoh boy I actually hope ur not a boomer cause the idea of a full grown adult using the term “cucklord” is hysterically cringe.

LOL. You proved my second point, which wasn’t even intended to be bait.

“People who play the game are all sheep who only think things because they were told to think them. I’m not a sheep, honest! Let me tell all you mindless sheep what to think.”