Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

Nah, hard disagree. Nobody seems to notice that the game got worse when twitch got started. Know why? It was WoD.

And it hasn’t improved since, and all along the way big streamers and elite world first raid groups have had their input on the game at the detriment of everyone else.

The game was fine before them, it’ll be better if they stay gone. But let’s be real, it’s only about money and public image to them, they’ll be back as soon as the smoke clears like nothing happened.

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All I’m trying to point out is that (apparently) Mike is about to soon be gone… and Blizz/ WoW will be here 25+ years from now.

“Crucial” is absolutely too strong a word.

You might be more accurate to make a much more general statement like “STREAMERS” are “important.” Any single one of them is as replaceable as the next. I refresh my YouTube feed and hey hey! Who’s the new mid-20s hot girl who has decided to start streaming WoW! (guess who’s gonna have more numbers than Joe Important streamer)

It’s disgusting how easily people are swayed by the opinions of STRANGERS. The only thing more disgusting is how quickly they’ll switch from one to another one.

Mike isn’t “crucial.” Soon as he’s gone, 8 more will take his place. I don’t mean that to be rude, it’s just how media IN GENERAL works.

I quite agree especially about the part of WoD.

But the game did attempt to get better in Legion. It has been going down since BFA.

grimly more accurate. lol

Sorry I agree to disagree.

People like him who give good constructive feedback are CRUCIAL to the game.

Yea, ok boomer

I do wonder.
How will the game be better without the streamers?

The game did not turn bad because of the streamers and youtubers. It is not like blizzard actually listened to these streamers’ and youtubers’ criticisms, and the game devolved into the mess that it is now. If anything, the game could very well have turned out to be good again, had WoW’s developers actually listened to them.

We can not conclude that the game will be better without them, if anything, we can conclude that the game now will only get worse without them.


We actually did agree. You’re not catching my bigger point.

When you said “streamers LIKE HIM” … which is exactly what I said.

The difference is that, in one example, a point is trying to be made that PREACH is “crucial” to the game. I’m sorry, but he’s not.

But as a STREAMER… as one of MANY he’s … “important.” Not “crucial.” But “important.”

But just as much as ANY OF THEM are important. And for exactly the reason I clarified: as soon as any one of them is gone, 8 more take their place.

None of them create content.

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Lol - still trying to fit in with the fads of today I see. Are you going to Sheesh me next, if so What’s your TT so I can see you being a sheep and following another trend just like content creators.

Wow didnt need “content creators” before why would it need it now.

People forget that WoW made these “content creators” not the other way around.

Just like how vent got replaced by mumble then by discord. then someone will replace preach.

Nah man, Blizzard is notorious for ignoring feedback and advice through every single alpha/beta development phase for every single expansion going all the way back to Cataclysm into MoP. You cannot pin the game’s direction on anyone but Blizzard.

It’s worse than that, because the people you’re trying to throw under the bus right now are the ones who were loudest about telling Blizzard why something was broken, what it would cause, and any number of solutions to fix it. Their feedback was never given heed. The closest they ever got was Ion admitting they were right after the game went live, promising to listen better in the future, then not doing that (instead insulting people for being poor testers re: Torghast in a Preach interview, if I’m not mistaken).


Tons of great games have been made, including WoW for at least half of its lifespan, without “content creators” mattering even in the slightest.

Publicity helps, of course. But publicity certainly does not need to come from only one source.

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Wow a creepy old man trying to see my TTs, how dare you

Nah, they are only crucial to weak minded individuals that can’t form their own opinions.


If you’re illiterate or refuse to read, that’s not my problem.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

If you think that only sponsored blizzard supporters should be able to post in the forums, get to work on that.

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I mean since you obviously have no creativity and follow trends. May as well see you be sus at trying to latch on to the next “hip” thing and fail. :rofl: :rofl:

Because, as many other people have noted… the WoW streamers are in a very unique position, being people who largely agree with the complaints players have but also having Blizzard’s ear. (We KNOW Blizzard developers listen to the likes of Preach, Bellular, Taliesin & Evitel and others – they’ve said so.)

Preach is a player’s advocate. Agree with him or disagree, he does take the complaints of the players to Blizzard ears and they hear it. His interviews with Ion Hazzikostas has proven that, time and time again. The problem isn’t the complaint, the problem is the lack of action from the company. That’s why there is a constant drumbeat of complaint, because they don’t listen.


Actually no. WoW streamers will come and go. There were big WoW streamers back then too IE rignaros for example guild leader of Blood Legion.

If one goes down someone will replace that. He got replaced by Max.

You’re forgetting that WOW made their careers happen. If they leave their golden goose then that’s their fault.

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Somehow WoW became the most successful MMO of all time without “content creators”

Somehow FF has been a really fun game for almost a decade without any major “content creators”

Yet, now if some change games off WoW it’s the end?