Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

There’s a good reason why Ion, the Game Director himself took the time to give an interview before 9.1 was released to Preach. Not to us, the random nobodies being keyboard warriors on the forums and the game.

Don’t listen to people blindly tell you content creators are bad for the game.

Most of these people making fun of genuine content creators like Preach are basically random nobodies who have no idea how content creation helps in marketing the game.

There are toxic streamers or content creators yes. But when you lump all content creators together and laugh at them, you seriously don’t know what the game is losing.

Remember that most if not all forum posters including me are basically people who can’t even keep their friends or family’s attention on their content creation for more than a few minutes.


Every Preach video I’ve ever seen is him just being a complete pessimist and doomsayer. This goes way, way back. He just seems liked he has some deep issues with himself that he projects onto the game.


I have seen nothing but constructive feedback from him since 3 years.

How is it his fault that Blizzard have made it a practice to ignore feedback on PTR and continue to design systems which are obviously poor?


Hope Blizzard remembers those who were there during the hard times and those who bailed like rats and learn from it.


The only reason he got an interview with Ion is because both of them are or used to be elitist raiders.


They won’t. They don’t even remember those who actually provide constructive feedback, those who tried to help the developers realise that they directed the game into the mess that it is now having people leaving it in masses.


The hard times started in WoD, dipped in Legion and are going on since BFA.


I didn’t know who preach was until a few months ago and I’ve been playing since vanilla. Other mmos have less content creators and are still doing fine (FFXIV for example didn’t have many until recently. I am aware of some MTQCapture, Zepla, etc) No where near as many as WoW has had with as much viewership.


They all wanted to be one of the booiiisss when they were upcoming, now that things are bad , well we see. Cant wait until things get batter then see them all come back, (imho)

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Content creators are literally the best form of advertisement for any game in 2021. Its also much cheaper since a good word of mouth actually does so much more than a fake cherry picked trailer that is intentionally designed to appear appealing while covering up its flaws.

i’ll never understand why people in genD think its a good thing these massive faces of the game move on. Its like you are begging for WoW to become another Hots, SC, or Diablo and blizzard pulls the plug.


The game did fine before content creators.
Your whole argument = trash.


Like I said, these kind of content creators provide a level of marketing and constructive feedback that almost no other player in the WoW community can do.

It has been bad since BFA. August 2018. They stuck through the hard times.

The game does better with content creators. “Fine” is not enough for WoW.

Your statement is trash.


And I’m saying it will hurt them for sure but the impact does not equate to levels that will cause the game to financially collapse. I’m being realistic is all.

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No they are not. blizzard and wow got along just fine from classic through Wrath well before twitch streaming became as popular as it is now.


This misbegotten belief that content creators are good and/or necessary is a fantasy.
A way for sycophants to gather together in their hive mind to worship the cult of personality.


I’m not saying the game will financially collapse. I’m saying it’s a loss yes I agree.

They are. Considering that they give constructive detailed feedback and are the ones who genuinely test from a end user point of view and take detailed view points, they are important.


Well, FFXIV did have content creators, but people here do not play FFXIV so they don’t know. They also weren’t as big as WoW content creators, do, yeah.

But indeed, content creators do not make or break a game. But they can help to draw attention to a game. But at the end of the day, it is the game itself that keeps people.

FFXIV have indeed been steadily growing over the years without big media coverage, the game grew primarily on it’s own merit, which says a lot about it.


Prove it.
Because really, there are no data points you can provide to support your assertion at all.
Games succeed with or without content creators and always have.
FFXIV, ESO, GW2, all doing exceptionally well with no real presence in content creation.


“Fine” is not enough for WoW.

Don’t drag it to the level of puny MMOs. Which is why content creators who give constructive feedback have a role to play.

I have nothing to prove to you.

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This is indeed how most, if not all, games grow.
Sure the extra attention from content creators is nice, but it’s never been needed.