Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

problem is not the creators, but the sycophants that follow them


Literally how it has always worked.
None of these dudes are capable of original content.
They take the temp of whatever angry reddit board they’re part of and spin their (gotta make sure it’s 10 minutes to fully monetize it) video out like it’s liquid gold because they know their sycophants will eat it up.

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It is really just sad to see someone like Preach now also leaving.

Asmongold was not as indepth and elegant with his criticism of WoW, but he also have not exactly left WoW - there just isn’t anything to do in WoW for him outside of raiding, and when he have done a raid the game is over. But there really isn’t anything else to do in WoW than that. That said, Asmongold only largely provided eyes on the game, and that is about it.

Preach, however, from all I have seen of his content, have been extremely indepth, and very well-spoken with his criticisms of the game, especially it’s dungeon and raid content, and the progression. And time and time again his fair and thought out criticisms has been ignored, and the game has bled subscribers harder than an individual who have had their great artery cut open.

I understand why Preach is frustrated, I do not understand why more people aren’t. There is obviously something wrong with the game.

Yes, it is okay to enjoy the game, but at this point it really is just like sitting in fire and just spelling out: “This is fine.”

No, something is wrong. Many of us who complain and object did and some still love the game. These people want it to change as well for the better, but it is hard when there sits a bunch and supports the continued bad developement, despite everything showing that it is no good for the game at all.

It is hard to be optimistic and be passionate when the developers aren’t.


I don’t think people who create proper content and feedback like preach have the same type of following as certain streamers. You know who they are. I don’t like them either.

So because people don’t put time and effort being a “content creator” we are supposed to put said content creators on a pedestal? Lol, ok dude… No.

I, for one don’t care about them in general and just because don’t care for them doesn’t mean we should. It’s not our fault Blizzard lost it’s identity wise after Ghostcrawler left to whom he used to watch these forums to actually listen and place feedback to where it needed to be addressed.

I also find the term “content creator” regarding streamers and most youtubers to be incorrect.

The content creators are the people at Blizzard who make the game.

Somebody talking about the game on youtube is a commentator. Not a content creator.

There ARE true content creators on youtube, like CGP Grey, Mustard, Wendover, Linus Tech Tips, etc. But people who talk about video games? Nah.

Unless they’re doing guides, I suppose that’s a form of content creation. But the guys weren’t talking about aren’t making guides.

Preach has a following thanks to his connections to Method

You don’t need to put people on a pedestal. You need to recognize that these people who create genuine content don’t deserve to be treated the same as others who create drama.

Ok and I was never interested in any content he put out in any form. I thought he was pretty boring.

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Which would be the guide-makers.

If Dratnos quit, that would be a loss to the community. But asmon, bellular, or even Preach as he’s been the last 3 years? No loss.

AllCraft, for example, is a poster child for “not content creation”. All they do is sit around and shoot the breeze.

Okay I guess. He creates content which gives respectful feedback.

Boring to you but he provides good feedback and makes really good points about the systems being put into the game.

That’s the thing.
They aren’t creating anything.
They regurgitate things they find online.
Nothing they do is new, it is not original, it is not thought provoking.
They LITERALLY just go on the internet to see what drama is going on, spin out a quick 10min video to maximize profitability ad nauseum.

They are, for lack of a better term, cockroaches. Ambulance chasers. Rats. Bottom of the barrel scum in terms of what they actually provide the community.

They aren’t creating anything but clicks and drama.

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No. This is why you will never understand the difference between genuine content creators and the ones who look for drama.

Your post is based off a generic assumption that every content creator is only about drama.

I would have had more respect for Preach if he actually showed screencaps of the posts that he’s ripping off.

“So-and-so posting on the beta forums had this observation. Let’s talk about that.”

I also blame Preach for the massive freak-out after he said everyone would have to make duplicate legendaries, but didn’t even bother to explain to people about how Korthite Crystals and the Vestige of Origins work.

If he had actually made an informative GUIDE, then we wouldn’t have had to explain to everybody who watched his videos how the features in 9.1 were going to work. (We’re STILL explaining it, on a daily basis.)

You literally missed what I said if that’s your conclusion then.
You know what an ambulance chaser is right?
How about the accident relief attorneys? You know the ones that sit around hospitals waiting for something to happen so they can offer their services.
That’s what these “creators” are. They’re leeches.

I understand the difference between genuine content creation and people looking to make money by profiting off of the angst in the community. Especially when they regurgitate everything they find on the forums and Reddit.

You want content creation, look at Jimquisition, that’s a content creator who actually goes out, does research and makes content. He doesn’t just repeat the same thing everyone else does.

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Streamers are the last people you take advice from if you want to play a game or not. Keep that choice yours,(imho)


And you are missing the point by trying to shoehorn every content creator into a copy pasting drama loving clickbaiter.

This is not about those people. You know who they are.

You tried to make it about drama and now you’re saying they leech off forums. How do you know? How do you know they haven’t tried it for themselves on the PTR and arrived on the same conclusions?

You’re just trying to find drama where there is none.

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I’m not trying to find drama, again, you are missing the point.
These “creators” are not necessary.
They are nothing but leeches who repeat the same talking points people within the community already are talking about. They just make money off of it (good business plan when you think about it, why create when you can copy).
We can name the content creator you’re talking about, we know it’s Asmon lol.
Preach isn’t any better. Madseason, no better.
They’re all useless to the game and aren’t needed at all.


This right here!
If you are looking for the opinion of someone else (specifically streamers, you should listen to your spouse or family as you might have a problem) to justify what you do with your money and time, you’re pretty pathetic.

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