Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

Exactly, this doomsayer nonsense that Blizzard is done for is unrealistic at best. Examples being Chikfila who is openly against lgbtq and supported conversion therapy is still making money off of its awful beliefs.

I’m not saying the game will financially collapse. I’m saying it’s a loss yes I agree.

Fair enough I’m just getting tired of the gloom and doomsayers making this out to be the end of the world.

Oh, so you’re a troll.
Thanks for letting me know.


No…no they aren’t


Damn I forgot all about that lol.

Not on the same level as WoW content creators. You go and play any other MMO and the amount of info you can get on specs, abilities and classes is scarce compared to the support WoW has had over the years.

I like his video, even I dont agree with alot of it. His video was better than other wow content creator

My OP insists they are important for the game. I’m not saying the game can’t survive without them.

You have two choices:

  1. Leave the thread if you don’t like it.
  2. Stay here and help me bump the thread like a little minion.

Yes they are.


Did you expect him to talk about how amazing the following unwanted systems and disasters were?
Island Invasions
AP farming
AP farming again
AP farming again again
Island Invasions
Artifact Catchup
Azerite Armor
Benthic Gear
Mission Table
Mission Table again
Mission Table again again
Mission Table again again again
Horrific Visions
Conduit Farming
Conduit Upgrade Farming
Box of Things
WoD content release schedule
SL content release schedule
Conduit Energy

I could go on and on… it’s REALLY HARD to be positive when your presented with a dumpster fire, and it turns out the guys behind the dumpster were harassing the women as well.


WoW also had A LOT of media attention when it first came out, that is not to be forgotten. Some people are a little too young to remember or even know, but I am not young enough not to remember.

Few, if not none, other MMORPGs have been afforded similar treatment.

Look at this little sack of potatoes.
Got some gumption over there da ya?
You make a ridiculous claim and immediately backpedal when the first punch lands.
It’s okay to admit you’re a sycophant, we got a bunch of them in here.
But see, from a point of fact, we don’t need content creators.
Never have.
The game will be fine without them.


Exactly. He’s a genuine content creator who gives detailed constructive feedback which is well thought out and people just expect him to be positive for the sake of being positive.

Which is silly…

Thanks for confirming you’re a minion. Now stay and keep bumping this thread.


I was a big fan of preach up through Legion, but a lot of his stuff the last couple years hasn’t been that great.

Most of his Shadowlands coverage in beta was just him picking up topics we were discussing on the beta forums and making it into a video.

Also his “Drama Time” videos have done tremendous damage to the game by hyperfocusing on the rare bad guilds and giving people the wrong impression about how guilds work. Which drives people to relying on pugging, which they then come and complain about 24/7.


And those have done just fine.
WoW NEEDED the initial support via commercials in the beginning because it was the first big MMO to hit NA.
Since then, they haven’t needed anything.
If Asmon and co. were to just vanish from the game forum, the game would still be fine.
The problem with a lot of these content creators is the nepotistic connection they have with the higher ups in the company. Content is made for and around them, not the majority of the playerbase.

You don’t fix things that are working. He does mention when things are good, and praises good raid fights and mechanics regularly. But he is always at the forefront of letting Blizz know what will not work, and he’s usually right.


Much? Try all of his content.
They all do the same thing.
They see a topic trending online in the forums, Reddit or Twitter, then they make a video about it and act like it’s their original thought for the clicks.

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And then one of their promoters post their video on the forums like it’s some revelation, when we’re the source material in the first place.


Ion will find whoever else has a lot of views. Waiting for the Gotcha moments in interviews was boring to watch.

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Arguably the best six years of this game’s life - Vanilla to Wrath - occurred before Preach ever got into streaming.

The game would be fine without Preach if the game wasn’t being run by an accounting spreadsheet that somehow gained self-awareness.


Gotta agree that interview was probably weird and the answers were I dunno strange.

At least Preach asked SOME new and pointed questions in his interviews.

It’s really stupid how almost every youtube interviewer asks the devs the exact same questions that everybody else has already asked.