Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

Honestly, they are not needed. If a game is good enough people will know about it and play it. There are plenty of successful games that never had social media or content creators. I did not start playing WoW because a content creator video.


Subscriber and outreach numbers, and the size of the industry as far as advertising space and revenues.

That’s not what I asked. That’s called “circumstantial evidence”. I asked for data.

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What do you want? “Hey, this extremely particular and meaningless statistic doesn’t exist, there the entire industry is invalid”.

You said they have a ton of influence. Where is the data to support it? Anecdotal evidence isn’t proof.

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I guess you’ve never watched his legacy videos. Some of the best wow content of all time

To everyone saying content creators don’t matter at all. Look at Minecraft. That game’s success was made possible due to content creators. They were the driving force behind people getting interested and on what stuff should be added to the game.

WoW is never going to be a Minecraft just because they’re different games, but it shows what content creators can do for a game. It’s

I don’t think that word means what you think it means. What data point are you looking for? Wowhead, mmo-champion, twitch, YouTube, etc. all host content for WoW. A very significant portion of the WoW community follow streamers, evidenced not only by follower numbers and engagement metrics, but by the size of the industry. Do you think the entire industry is holding itself up by its own hype? What, exactly, are you looking for? The influence of content creators is evident in every aspect of not only this game, but very game. Every new game since twitch went mainstream has had outreach programs for influencers.

You’re the one making the extraordinary claim that it’s all smoke and mirrors here. The truth is self evident. It’s as obvious as gravity or climate change.

I’m not asking what you think is obvious. You’re making a claim and I’m just asking where you got it from but without answering, you’ve answered me. It’s your perception. That’s fine for you but not for everyone. It’s a Marshall Applewhite effect.

I hope you have a great weekend. Stay safe.

I believe when WoW had its highest subscription numbers content creation was in its infancy. Fast forward to 2020/2021 where content creators are a dime a dozen and the games sub numbers fell off a cliff.

I look back at the original Doom and its success, just word of mouth and that game exploded.

Is this like saying when someone gives an interview it’s to speak specifically the that person and not for the wider audience of it getting covered on the internet?

Well apparently he thinks the person interviewed is the audience, and that person is not only interviewing but somehow offering advice to the person being interviewed.

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During the wrath period, content was flowing. It just wasn’t live streamed, it was all YouTube based. They were mostly like promo vids, loud music and loads of action. But you had gems like BRK around, and the Druid boys and Gigi.
Content was there, and it was big.

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They weren’t influencers then. :face_vomiting:

content creators covering your game are a sign it is doing well… a symptom of success they are not the cause of success

sorry to burst your bubble about this

PS: I personally think preach has been dead on with alot of his points about WoW over the years and the direction it is taking, and that he is a valued mature voice about the current state of the game.

i also have no delusions the game needed him for it to be successful and rather the other way around (he needed the game and the audience it garnered).

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Well no duh. Sorry to burst your bubble thinking you was 1 step ahead. I said they are the best form of advertisement not the key to success. You still need to create an actual good game.

Genuine word of mouth is infinitely more valuable than ad space in this day and age. Any streamers or content creators who have accepted money to play someone’s game must disclose that information by law which makes any testimonies towards that game much less credible.

This is why games such as Among us or Rust surged in popularity from basically nothing.

When you have your content creators just constantly talking negatively about your game, youre not going to garner very many new players. The only people who you will retain are sunk cost addicted whales who buy whatever crap you put on their plate. So having these big names leave the game out of frustration is NOT a good thing at all.

He needs wow for its current stability, but he does not need WoW long term. Preach will surely take a hit transitioning but like many other creators before him (look at dunkey after he stopped making LoL videos) he will survive Im sure of it. WoW on the other hand does in fact need people like Preach (not specifically him) to promote their game in a positive light especially with the bad faith and lost of trust they have developed over these last 5 years.

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Because there was no such thing as an influencer. But they did to a degree, influence. They made classes popular, or pvp, or servers.

Of course, but in those days we tended to not mindlessly hang on every word from their lips as if it those words were mana from heaven like todays streamer viewers.


By-product of the status of the community. I personally never really had the time to bother much with watching because it eats into my little window of game time. But the community degraded years ago, so you can’t expect much else really.

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Truer words rarely spoken my friend.

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