Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

Ehhh I don’t think so, game was fine before them and will be fine without them.

The game was arguably more successful and more positive before streamers. Not saying they are bad for the game, they arent necessary for game success, history is proof of that.


More than 15 years have passed. The world in not the same. The game is not the same. The audience is not the same. The industry is not the same.

Back in the day WoW was in the news and in TV for millions of people. Nowadays it cant even be in a video with 100k views worldwide on Youtube.

For all that is sacred, land in this century please. This is not 1950 anymore.

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and the worst that WoWhead and Reddit supports these sensationalists.

I do not know what will happen, but hopefully it has better ways to improve the quality of the game and the next patch returns to the glory that was WoW without the use of forced inclusion, the PC and absurd ideologies that do not help the lore and system. of the gameplay.

Friend, at this stage SL is lucky to even see a 9.2, let alone an actual good patch.

Shadowlands is doomed at this point, theres nothing I can see that’ll salvage it because its built upon layers and layers of systems.


but we will give hope until Blizzard itself kills it.

True and Blizzard should install their own streamers, super charismatic people that only talk good things about the game and of course are payed by Blizzard since these independent streamers will betray the game the moment something bad happens

Preach doesn’t create content.

I’m subscribed to many warcraft channels on youtube. The only preach video I’ve seen is his farewell warcraft video. His departure is completely inconsequential to me as a casual PvE’s and more dedicated pvp player.

I care about his opinion on the state of the game about as much as I do my elderly neighbor’s opinion on the game. The raging on conduits and shards of domination seems totally illogical to me as systems that have 0 bearing on how I play and I question why anyone in their right mind would ever push the game to such grindy extremes as preach (and I assume his hardcore pve audience).

Lmao what.


What gets more attention? Someone talking positive about something or someone ranting? If I was a streamer I’d jump on the outrage train and get those juicy clicks for $$$.

If he had no financial incentive to post things I’d actually believe the things he says.

Everyone loves a villain. People don’t watch Judge Judy or Gordon Ramsay because they want to learn about justice or food. They watch them because they’re rude and pompous.

Ff14 has had content creators for literal years now, Mr happy. Mtqcapture both been going since arr

People in FFXIV do not obesess over them like they do in this game. Here, it’s to the point of being rather cringe.

It’s called constructive feedback. He was so positive when Legion was the expansion. WOD, BFA AND SL have just been a dumpster fire and he’s not going to pretend like it’s not.

That’s being realistic, not pessimistic and it’s not just him.


I’ve seen this same back/forth before and one thing I thought was odd was that if someone on the forums says it, they’re a troll but if a streamer says it, it’s ok and just constructive feedback.

This goes both ways. I mean how long has it been and even now where Asmon has an opinion and it’s automatically branded as being toxic or trolling?

Even if he’s being genuinely serious.

I cannot speak for everyone but for that guy particularly, he brought that on himself. The boy who cried wolf comes to mind.

Sure they don’t lmao, must be nice knowing how millions of people feel about FF14 content creators

On the forums, reddit and MMO, I can go into several threads for months without someone speaking about something some streamer said as if its law. For WoW, that is not the case. I see references to these guys in most threads.