Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

We’re done here. You can’t see the forest through the trees and are apparently just arguing to win an argument on the internet. Enjoy!

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Anybody want to tell him? I kinda want to tell him.

Simping for streaming grifters. Hilarious. How did the industry EVER function without them? :clown_face:

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Nope, I’m arguing because you are wrong. You presume to speak for Blizzard Entertainment, when in fact you’re as clueless about what they think as anyone else. But then again, since speaking is apparently not speaking for you, I think I’m done here too.

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That he’s right? I will. Game had 12M subs before streamers. It had 5.5M when they came around.

Content creators have been with the game from the very beginning. There was never a time in WoW history where it existed without them.

Who were the main streamers in vanilla?

Streamers are just one kind of content creators. Most stuff from back then had to be rendered after recording, as bandwidths that could handle live streaming weren’t as prevalent. Which I’m sure you’re aware of, since you keep trying to change the word we’re using.

Nihl, Druid Boyz, Kigi, Romo, etc. there were a ton who did videos, not to mention fan sites and wikis, etc. - all content made by influencers.

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People made random videos. There were no people like there are now. Nobody obsessed with anyone back then. Nobody pretended they were the reason people played.

And they still do. That’s never changed, which is what I said.

This is false, there were, in fact, plenty of people then.

Are we just going to pretend that video gamer celebrities were invented in 2010 or something? They’ve been a thing since the 80s.

No one is? An influencer doesn’t create a market, they influence it. People don’t play wow (or any other game) because they are Preach (or any other streamer) fans, for example, they are Preach (etc.) fans because they play wow. And they’ve existed since the 80s.

I think what you meant to say was that you weren’t aware of them until recently. Or that their marketing was less effective in the pre-social media era. Those would be valid points. But to pretend like they didn’t exist is ignorant.

You’re reaching. Just because someone made a video of them finding a rare drop doesn’t constitute the same thing.

No streamers back in the day. We were just fine.

I never understood this complete disdain for anyone who streams or makes a YouTube video. I feel that you’d be the type of person to respond with “Who?” when someone mentions a WoW stream/YouTuber even you know full well who is being referenced.

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Moving on while virtue signaling about how great he is for moving on once all the dirt is public is Preach’s MO. He will be back to suck up to the new dev team.

Just because some random guy with a webcam makes a video does not mean everyone know who they are. That’s a pretty shady way to boost someone’s notoriety by gaslighting people.

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sorry to burst your bubble but streamers are not content creators of anything except their own stream of verbiage.

" A content creator is an employee that is responsible for creating or contributing to the production of any media, but most prominently digital media."

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If being ignorant of what’s going on with the company that makes the game appeals to you, that’s fine. But you can’t stand there and discount an entire platform. You sound like the guys who told everyone the internet was a fad and no one would ever spend money on a TV set.

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That’s called a straw man fallacy.

Why do that? That’s not appropriate or necessary.

If you like streamers, good for you. Not everyone watches them. People who don’t are not bad people.

I never said they were. But it’s disingenuous to pretend like content creators haven’t been a part of the WoW media landscape from the very beginning OR that streamers have a ton of influence on their respective industries.

“I’ve never heard of them” or “I don’t follow them” - this is fine. Personal statement of fact. But you can’t hand wave away an entire industry because you don’t know about it.

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Maybe people making random videos were a thing to you but they’re hardly what anyone would call them today. That’s just false.

Streamers influence is a subjective thing. Is there any data to show who played just because of them?

Belluar, Preach, Asmongold and some others were quite the pioneers that brought the game fame even during dark times, but as of right now if WoW continues to suck with their products than that’s that. The removal of /spit is just icing to the cake right now for more disappointments to come, but i suppose those at Blizzard regardless of status don’t care about it. They’re more into themselves than the actual game and audience.