Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

Preach’s latest video has about 345,000 viewers. Taliesin & Evitel’s last one about 160,000, Hazel’s latest around 260,000.

But the problem isn’t their numbers, Callieamaya… it’s yours. “500,000 to millions” would have been a big deal back during the ways of Wrath of the Lich King when we knew the game had between 10 and 14 million active player accounts. Those days are long gone. Although Blizzard stopped sharing its player base information, current estimates of total players range between 1 and 3 million, and those might even be high. Even at two million players, between those three videos I just mentioned, at least a quarter of them may have seen the streamers’ videos.

It’s time for everyone here to realize what’s actually happening… if a streamer leaves, it’s not just that person; that streamer is likely representative of a much, much larger group of people playing the game. That’s devastating. Every exit is one less subscription to pay for the game for the rest of you. I guarantee you, at numbers of half the game’s size or smaller, you’ll see a LOT more seven-to-eight-month gaps in content like between 9.0 and 9.1.

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Absolutely not! The game is crucial to the game. If I decide to check out someones video on WoW… it is not because of them… it is because of the game.
Those WoW YT’s would be nothing without the game they report on. That is a fact.

Key word being latest videos. Usually they are around the 30k to 60K views.

I just don’t see streamers making that much of an impact. You do know most players don’t watch them.

Even broken clocks are right twice a day.

content creators aren’t always good for the game, blizzard listens to what they say even if its not good for the game, because blizzard thinks they speak for all of us

Again, that’s not the point.

The point is, if the streamers are bailing, it’s very likely that a lot of players are bailing as well. It’s a symptom of a larger problem, not an unrelated incident.

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People were quitting the game even before a bunch of these streamers were.

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Cite evidence to support this.

Blizz doesn’t listen to streamers, nor do they speak to streamers. They simply use streamers to promote and advertise the game. It’s free marketing for them. If you honestly believe streamers opinions influence Blizzard you are mistaken.

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That’s your opinion, not a proven fact. You guys who think that Blizzard just ignores the opinions of the people who post videos on YouTube, I don’t know what you’re smoking.

Between the streamer departures and the ranting over the Shards of Domination nerfs this week, I think it’s very likely Blizzard was listening to all of its sources, including the streamers.


Nonsense. Hazzikostas has done at least three interviews with Preach. There are tons of videos on YouTube of Blizzard speaking to streamers. Where have you been?

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Anyone who think free good publicity is bad for business doesnt know how to manage one I guess.

As much as people hate them lost of people still watch them. Just to complain or cause they actually have good content.

But at the end of the day its still free publicity

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Sure. But streamers are also an easy bellweather for checking the pulse of the player base. Businesses in general would kill for being able to sample their customers’ thoughts and feelings without paying for any of it. That’s what the streamer community provides.

Every game development team listens to its customers; the only issue is whether they take those comments to heart. Blizzard is no different. The WoW streamers encapsulate everything the player base is currently thinking.

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We all have our opinions on what good publicity is. Just like people think streamers are good for the game, many disagree.

Well I meant good in the term dont talk badly about the game kinda case

Not actually good publicity

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Fair enough

If summarizing what other people say on forums and Reddit is “content creation” then reading The Hobbit out loud to a bunch of kids is also content creation.


The only thing these people are good for is popcorn-worthy threads on GD, I kind of miss those over all these twitter posts pretending to be threads we have now.

If nobody did it before your i guess it is

And if you think Blizz employees scan Youtube and Twitch looking for advice on how to develop and design the game it is YOU that are mistaken.

Context buddy, context. Of course they talk to streamers, but they aren’t there to SPEAK to the streamer. They are there to promote the game, not to listen to and take advice from a streamer.

Have a little bit of understanding and comprehension when you read things.


Never said they’re looking for advice. But honest, raw feelings about the game? Of course they are listening to that. Any company would kill to have that sort of reactionary feedback. You need to stop putting words into other people’s mouths.

LOL. From someone who doesn’t think Ion Hazzikostas speaking to Preach is actually “speaking”. Sure thing, sport.

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