Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

“Content” creators mean nothing to people who actually leave their house and interact with others.


Neither do the wow forums but here you are posting away.

lol what.

I’m not sure you were watching preach…

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Lol you mean before twitch and influencers were the main source of advertising in America to youth. It will know t as blizzard cant exactly grow the population with users in there 30’s and 4p’s and needs content creators for new users the most.

I mean, he’s not wrong though, everything added by blizzard within the last 5 years has been garbage. Tell me one good thing?

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That’s subjective and dangerous. If our “youth” are only doing things because some random guy on the internet with a webcam tells them to, we are in trouble.


It’s not subjective that influencers are the new marketing strategies for companies. That is not subjective but it might be dangerous lol. Its technically an objective fact that can be proven with data.

While I’m not trying to discredit you or give you a hard time, it’s something that can be hard to prove.

I mean, people have hard-claimed that streamers were what gave WoW it’s popularity but we had more than twice the subs before streamers. Young people playing were doing so even before them. Very young people are likely not going to be interested in WoW because it’s a very old game and they want new/current. There are some very young gamers who like older stuff but they’re not common.

I agree with you there. Marketing strategy is influencers these days. Does Preach have great influence over young gen z starting wow, probably not. Most of wow influencers are not in those age groups and ppl 30+ on up are probably less likely to be influenced.

It’s exactly what he said in the video. This was the tipping point but for him the primary cause was the game direction under the current team(s).

He’s doing this to generate clicks. If the popular thing to do right now was to hype wow he’d be doing it.


Incorrect, and you clearly haven’t seen Preach’s video.

He’s someone who dearly loves the game, but is fed up with the barrage of incomplete systems upon systems and the narrative stumbles. He has an opinion, and while he’s been stating it in a roundabout way for some time, he’s had enough.

More importantly, though… he’s someone who has derived part of his living from his WoW content, and he’s letting that go, fully cognizant of the fact that he’ll take a loss.

Because, you see, it’s not just about ‘content creators’. WoW doesn’t NEED content creators, though they provide a lot of PR value. But it HAS content creators, they exist, and the problem is that they are starting to abandon ship.

Whether you agree or disagree with Preach, whether you agree or disagree with other WoW content creators, or whether you even think they are relevant is completely not the point here. The fact is that they exist… and watching them turn on the game, when in fact it’s completely detrimental to their own well being, is what every single WoW player today should be worried about.

Because if streamers are bailing, that means players are bailing too… and WoW without paid subscriptions means a dwindling development team and certain doom. And it’s happening at exactly the wrong time, when after 15 years of purported “WoW killers,” the game is finally facing ACTUAL competition in the form of Final Fantasy XIV.

Read the tea leaves, folks.


Yeah I’m sure this take is going to go over really well on the general forums, where the most hopelessly-addicted WoW players who are playing this game to the grave reside.


Sadly you’re right… they’re the same people who call 90% of the player base “casuals” as if it’s an epithet, not realizing that they pay for 90% of it with their subs. Very sad.

I know GD loves to hate on streamers, but when people have been making money off creating content for your game for years and have started to move on, you got a big problem on your hands.

Asmon’s fans are obnoxious as hell, but the man himself has cleaned up the last few years and actually understands a lot of the issues with the game from a casual perspective.

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Not if people have 1) Never heard of them 2) Heard of them but never watched them.

The game had more subs before streamers. So no, it’s not a big problem or even a problem.

Geeze you people are dense.

If people who make a living off the game are moving on, what makes you think normal players aren’t moving on too?


I would believe that if any of these World of Warcraft content creators were getting huge numbers, 500,000 to millions, of views for each video. They aren’t.

Probably because normal players were here before the streamers too.

I was here before streamers. I’m not affected by them. I’m not going anywhere.

You were saying?


Because their viewership numbers per video aren’t all that impressive. I don’t think the vast majority of players watch these guys and gals.