Consumables to toggle war mode, on other players

Yeah, that’s not a fair concern imo. I already mention several times there’s CD’s and price of consumables that can regulate the frequency in which this can occur. There other safeguards that could be taken place is out of control, but I doubt it’s necessary. Tbh I’m not convinced that is really good enough reason to not do it. I don’t think they’ll be losing money or subscriptions just over this one change. Infact I’d argue that there are issues in game ATM that are more likely to get people to unsub or not log in. On top of that I don’t think the ganking people out of war mode would happen as much as you think.

How much wpvp did people think would be going on when warmode first came to be, and how much wpvp is going on now?

I can tell there that there were entire servers actively engaging in WPvP and Warmode killed that activity. Warmode, Shards and Phasing was their response to server stability, faction imbalance and restricting the people who wanted to WPvP in one corner of the sandbox next to the cat turds.

WPvP is dead and forcing people to engage in it is extremely short-sided.

That’s nice. I find it funny you’re mad about me killing you in Stormwind and calling me a troll for it yet here you are advocating for an idea to enable PvP on anyone lol. If you didn’t like being killed what makes you think others would, especially those who don’t want anything to do with it.

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Warmode sucks because of all the exploits, consumables, and it being a numbers game and there being no balance, with groups of bots and their bodyguards in every zone. You can’t even get help to deal with them either, even with premade group finder.

I think it is more short sighted to prioritize the minority of people who will be negatively impacted by this. It’s not going to ruin the overall experience of leveling… Doubt people play retail for the leveling experience all that much these days… I feel like it would be an over reaction to agree with on this. Though I will agree wpvp is dead.

The majority of people*


Us PvPers are the minority here. The PvE’ers are the majority and would be the ones negatively impacted by this.

Yeah a better rewards system would help perhaps. Personally I’d like it if I could just go to the appearance tab mount tab or toy tab and select eligible items that I could just buy with a PVP currency. Restrictions on items would apply on some items though.

And it’s insane. Truly truly insane.


Why though?

Because you’re attempting to force other players to play with you. Stop it.


That’s not insane. Truly

Of course it is.

You can’t force players to play with you, no matter how lonely you are.

I don’t want to engage with insults.

What if I wanted to force you to?

Should I be able to?

Maybe the forums needs a consumable to prevent other posters from being able to ignore posts…

I have a friend at Blizzard and he just told me that they are releasing a consumable in TWW that when cast on another player they have to win 50 Pet Battles before they can do any other content in the game.

Sounds extremely stupid doesn’t it?

It’s time to put this thread to bed and call it what it is. It rhymes with grape. If you can’t understand what everyone is trying to tell you here, I sincerely hope you understand what no means irl.

Your idea is objectively terrible.

Oh god, I’d be screwed LOL. I’ve never done one of those.

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Are you going to compare this to the holocaust next?

Are you going to propose an item that teleports all the players of one race to an area against their will and forces them to do dallies while they take damage over time until they die?

“I was just minding my own business collecting herbs mining nodes and leveling my character then , and then , and then, I GOT WARMODE TURNED ON!!! I DIED I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS, NOT LIKE THIS! NOOOOOOO. Then this one time I was doing these repetitive dallies right. I needed a cool mount you have to be revered at least to get one, but then a guy put me in warmode and ruined it! WAAAAAA WAAAAAA WAAAAA!”

yeah okay

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