Consumables to toggle war mode, on other players

Warmode on basically phases you out from everyone who has warmode off, excluding major cities I believe.

This should not be a thing. There should instead be a consumable(s) that are reasonably expensive, perhaps perma items with a CD. That will actually turn on war mode for all surrounding players who do not have warmode on already…

Yes, so people would be getting ganked. Though the price and/or CD will be high enough that it doesn’t run rampant. There should be other safeguards like dying reduces the CD or even cast time of your next hearthstone, just to name one.

I guess another could be a buff that you can receive either through a vendor, or well rested status or well fed status or campfire that will at minimum delay the warmode being turned on by other players.

I haven’t worked out all the flaws and technical stuff, but I think the philosophy is on point for warmode. War mode should allow initiating/starting “wars” not just agreeing to see other people risking PVP for xp or actually want to WPVP.

The sense of danger is not the same as it used to be in vanilla/classic NPC wise and PVP wise. So I suppose that would be where people go for that sort of thing, but I don’t think that retail is better for having such a hard line between players with warmode on and off.

PVP servers in retail would not go so well, and warmode was a decent alternative but I think this would be a substantial improvement to warmode.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for having more people in War Mode, but this ain’t it fam. An item that forces players who have War Mode off into War Mode will just cause a complete dislike/hatred for it all around and an uproar from those players who want it off.

In my opinion, if we want more players to turn on War Mode, then they should change how the War Mode bonus is awarded. Instead of getting bonus for turning on War Mode, there should be a bonus for keeping War Mode on.

It’d start off low, when initially turning on War Mode for the first time, you’d get no bonus. After a week, you’d get, I don’t know, say 4% bonus. After 2 weeks, you’d get 8%, 3 weeks 12%, and after 4 weeks you’d get 15%. Turning it off at any point will knock you down a tier, so if you were at 15%, the next time you turn it on you’ll have 12% (penalty would be increased depending on the amount of time you kept it off for as well).

Bonus would be a bit reworked too, you’d still get increased experience and gold from quest rewards, but you’d also get increased Honor from kills in WPvP. Rework the bounty system as well, incentivize wanting to keep bounty, such as even more Honor rewarded and possibly even a small amount of Conquest per kill (5 Conquest per kill while bountied), capping at 300 Conq weekly.


That won’t do anything. I’m not convinced that the change of turning people’s war mode on is going to be all that bad. Once implemented you can increase the price of the consumables that do that or increase the CD, if need be. As well as the other things I mentioned in OP.

Of course it would. Some PvPers themselves don’t even have War Mode enabled because in reality, they don’t gain much out of it besides the weekly sparks quest. Putting actual PvP incentives into it would hit right at home with the player base it’s aimed at. Add some more WPvP events in the mix as well and it’s solid.

I love WPvP and will always keep War Mode enabled regardless but not everyone feels the same.

You don’t see how forcing people into optional content is a bad thing? If people don’t want to participate in PvP, then that’s their choice. Making an item to suddenly force them to being susceptible to being killed and ganked is a horrible idea.


The incentives you mentioned didn’t sound fun. Besides, that would encourage people who don’t want to wpvp to turn on war mode due to the benefits. Which is effectively doing what I’m suggesting except instead of signing up for potential wpvp by turning on warmode, they’d now be signing up for potential wpvp by playing in the open world.

The entire game is optional content. I feel like you want to protect the minority of people who play when only a small portion of which would be affected by both the positive and negative experiences the feature provides. If you don’t want to discuss the consumables or the items price, what currencies, what CD’s, range etc. in effort to reach a compromise that’s fine. At least we can agree that the current War mode is yet to reach its full potential.

What would you rank this idea on a scale 1 to 10? 1 being the worst 10 being the best.

It’s incentives aimed at PvPers, y’know, the people who will be playing in War Mode. It’s incentives meant to encourage people to PvP, it’s a bonus rewarded for people who keep War Mode enabled opposed to just enabling War Mode.

The reason I said your idea is horrible is because you’re saying you want to introduce an item that will force players into War Mode. There’s players in WoW who want nothing to do with PvP and stay completely away from it. Introducing said item would just hurt PvP even more and would develop even more hatred towards it. You’re not retaining players at all with an approach like this.

The goal is to retain players in War Mode, not by force, but by making it appealing or incentivizing people’s time spent in War Mode.

Minority? You realize PvPers are the minority, right? PvE’ers are the majority. Your idea, regardless of price, cooldown, or range, is aimed at affecting the majority player base which is PvE. Your idea involves combining WM on and WM off shards to be one, and then introducing a consumable that would turn on War Mode for all surrounding players who want nothing to do with it. That’d be the equivalent of introducing a consumable that would disconnect all nearby players; no one would like it except the person using it.

I’d rank your idea a 1.

Yes, we can agree that the current War Mode isn’t fully fleshed out and was a half baked idea that sounded great on paper but was implemented poorly, but the goal of it was to introduce a way for players on PvP realms a way out and those on PvE realms a way into the world of WPvP without server transferring.

I don’t agree with your take. the majority of players will not be impacted by this unless they want to be. Also its called World of Warcraft.


Players who would normally have War Mode off and want nothing to do with it are sitting at a world boss or a summoning stone ready to do PvE content. Suddenly group comes down, uses a consumable that would turn on War Mode for them, kills them, and then proceeds to camp them.

You’re saying that wouldnt impact them? They have it off for a reason lol. Yes, its called World of Warcraft, but it doesn’t mean we’re always at war with one another, just at war with something. We’re at war with Xalatath next expansion, not with each other.

Like I said, I’m all for War Mode, I have it enabled all the time, but forcing players who want nothing to do with it aint the solution fam.


Get those Dirty Horde !

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They’d have to deal with it. Though I am willing to accept like nullification fields or something that grants temporary immunity, though I would expect the cost to be steeper than the consumable that turns the war mode on. World bosses could also just have nullification fields inherently.

I don’t like responding to no’s this much. Like if you’re not willing to compromise with a creative solution or something we just have to agree to disagree.

I already gave my creative solution, which was to just incentivize WPvP better with PvP rewards and changing the War Mode bonus to be something you get when you keep War Mode enabled, not just giving you a bonus when you first enable it.

Creative solutions to fix War Mode include the above and adding more WPvP events. Add more TBC style WPvP events such as towers or Halaa, give people a reason to want to stay bountied rather than just being a loot pinata or logging it off, fix the sharding and merge low population shards with other low population shards to make the world feel more alive, etc.

Forcing players who don’t want to PvP isn’t going to fix PvP, you’re just creating problems that don’t need to exist for those people. Your solution only aims to please gankers. I’m a ganker myself, but I don’t want to force others to do something they don’t want to partake in.


:100: %

I didn’t want to bump this thread because the idea is so preposterous, but your posts are worthwhile so. I don’t think it has to be that complicated. They just need to add wPvP content like they had in BfA. Quest hubs for horde vs. alliance wPvP. As long as sharding is even and rewards (conquest) are worthwhile it’d have good participation.

I’m asking if you’re willing to compromise with the OP, not to do something entirely different.

Well, I am sorry you don’t like the idea. I’ve been wrong before, but I don’t feel this is a bad idea. Infact, I think a decent compromise can be reached. Unless you feel very strongly about protecting people who don’t want to pvp, so much so, that you feel they should never even be at risk of being attacked by other players in an MMORPG, World of Warcraft. If you feel strongly about that, I’m afraid we cannot reach a compromise.

The “compromise” is, if you want to attack other players that badly, you can turn on War Mode and attack them or attempt to troll them in non War Mode shards by having PvP flag enabled and stand close to those attacking a rare or a world boss. Hope that one of them accidentally attacks you or AoEs you. There you go. That’s as far as a risk players who don’t want to participate in War Mode will ever have.

If I’m not forced to do M+ or raiding, PvE’ers shouldn’t be forced to do PvP if they so wish.

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There is no compromise to be had, it’s a bad take from any angle you look at it. Your perceived “solution” is to create other problems and involve players that don’t want to be involved to begin with.

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It’s a terrible idea.


I’d prefer a higher sense danger in the open world that calls for caution and vigilance. Warmode as it is now does not provide that. I prefer controlled chaos over cushy safety nets in a video game. The less predictable the better.

I feel like you’re acting like all the sudden it will turn the game into active PVP servers. The majority of people don’t even bother going out into the open world, chances are as of right now with warmode on you can cross any continent/island at anytime and not get ganked or find someone with warmode on that won’t have the means to escape. You’ll be lucky to get one kill, nearly impossible to camp.

This is why, while the logic applied is understood, the reasoning or opinion behind it is too soft for me to agree with.

Might I remind you that this game started out as a game with mostly PvE aspects in mind. The problem with your idea is that you’re introducing something that some players have never experienced. Some players play the game entirely for PvE, which is fine. They don’t want to suddenly have to worry about players killing them when some have spent their whole time on WoW never touching it.

Some players enjoy a cooperative game, others like us PvPers enjoy a competitive game, which is why we PvP. Blizzard isn’t going to implement an idea that would hurt the part of their player base who want nothing to do with PvP.

This sounds like a skill issue. I get plenty of kills, and if I want to, I can camp nearly anyone. Just last night I camped the leader of RUIN for a solid 20-30 min on my Survival Hunter.

Heres Blizzards reasoning or opinion behind it that isn’t soft:

They’d lose money if they implemented your idea. They don’t wanna lose money. Business is business.

Okay, let’s meet somewhere. Let’s see if you can kill let alone camp me LOL. You just being contrarian.

They can’t do that because it’s against ToS, greifing.