Consumables to toggle war mode, on other players

There are PVP zones in the game though.

Bet let’s do it. Add me on btag: WilloWisp#1275

Don’t threaten me with a good time. :slight_smile:


So when are we doing this? :eyes:

Where’s the btag request

EDIT: I got sick of waiting.


What would you think of players being able to buy an item that forces you into a dungeon run and you can’t leave until the final boss is killed?

killing him in sw is diabolical…


I was afk not cool. that doesn’t even prove your point

You never added me, I got tired of waiting. It does prove my point. You said here:

I wasn’t lucky. I said I can kill and/or camp nearly anyone I want to in War Mode. You said I wouldn’t be able to kill you, yet, I killed you. :dracthyr_shrug:

I found you pretty easily too. If you want to actually fight and see if I can for real camp you, add me already.

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No you’re being a typical troll LOL

That’d be you, the guy who says “let’s meet somewhere” and doesn’t proceed to actually go through with it. Well, I mean, unless you’d rather be called a wimp.

Still up for your challenge though if you decide to add me.

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I’m impressed not that he killed him, but that he was able to find him that easily. I mean, what are the chances that a main is hanging out in SW/Org these days?


I don’t want to hear about it anymore, stop trolling me IDC if someone killed me in a video game.

The topic is why there should be a consumable that enables warmode on others.

I’m sure most of us don’t.

Because it’s stupid? We already have a choice for those who are interested.

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That’s not good enough.

This is coming from the guy saying people will be lucky to get a kill in War Mode and that it’s impossible to camp people. Honestly, it sounds like you’re someone who only has War Mode on only in Stormwind City or Elwynn Forest if that’s the case. There’s plenty of people out in Dragon Isles to kill.

Its good enough for the vast majority of PvPers. The others who disagree pretty much just want PvP servers over War Mode.

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I don’t want to talk to you anymore.

Forcing Warmode onto people is very close minded and it shows that you haven’t put 2 seconds on thought into it.

When the ability to toggle “PvP enabled” on PvE servers was a thing, you could actually trick people into flagging but even then it was caused by the actions of the player and not a 3rd party applying that decision onto them.

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I disagree, there are already pvp zones in game. I have mentioned the pricing and CD of consumables can regulate the prevalence. What exactly are you concerned about dying every once in a while?

Go play Classic then? I heard they have pvp servers.

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A PvP Zone, you mean a zone where a player makes a conscientious decision to travel?

So if I am in a zone that is not PvP enabled and you happen upon me and throw a consumable on me that enables my PvP status without any control on my part is ok with you? Have fun killing low lever players with warmode off while AFK. I am sure there will be fun had by all involved.

Or you could kill low level players with warmode on while AFK because they made the decision to open themselves to that gaming experience.

Also I wanted to address this separately. Nothing concerns me about dying in a video game. But there are others that want to level a character, do a daily, farm a resource without the distraction of unsolicited PvP. Now that there are no longer PvP servers the players that do not wish to engage in PvP only have the feature or Warmode On/Off. It is a good way to ruin a player’s experience and shrink your playerbase.

If you have Warmode On and I drop a raid on your head everyday that you log in and continue to camp you until your log off, that is a possibility that you knew could happen. Do that to someone with Warmode Off and eventually the player doesn’t log in again.