Have a good forums vacation.
Now that we’ve established that you’ve lost…
Who’s next?
I didn’t report anything.
This is proof of you being an immature man child.
Nobody cares what you say. Ever. I’ve seen people throw you in the can many times. It was fun being another to add to that list.
Who’s next?
Ahh, I see, you’re part of the sync exploit crowd aren’t you. That explains the inflated ego and toxic childish behavior. You have never seen anything other than what you wanted to see. Honestly hope they start perma banning you and your ilk. Game would be in a much better place without you.
Imagine saying toxic in 2024 and exposing your extreme sensitivities online.
Seek help.
Ahh projection. Yep, you’re def part of that crowd.
You should probably be dialing 988 right now, or that other number 1-800-273-TALK.
It will help you cope with always being wrong and losing.
LAWL ROFLCOPTER SWASWASWASWA HOLD ON. DID YOU TYPE OUT the word ILK and actually press enter?? Hahahahahaha someone please, counsel this fruit roll up asap.
It would make sense you don’t really understand English. Not even my first language and I know more then you. Anyways it’s been fun watching your decent into madness. Have the day you deserve.
Having a great day! I have an awesome job where I can work and do this at the same time. It’s a great one and pays well. Doing pretty well. You literally just said “then you” while trying to claim you’re better “than” me at English. That was a bad one. you should edit that real quick.
You’re the one that’s mad here lol saying cringey garbage like the words “toxic” and “ilk”. Don’t you know that using those words is like saying “Hi. I have severe problems and I’m terminally online. Please don’t hurt me, Tumblr was shut down some years ago. Still trying to figure out how to cope.”
oh yeah and lol again @ “then you”.
HEYYYY! I use ilk! it’s in my opinion short for:
Bunch of losers who share the same thought process and shout within an echo chamber who have no self direction or goals in life
But thats just me
Nobody wants a healer potion that just makes everyone they’re healing unkillable while the buff is up.
That sounds awful.
Imagine a team fight where nobody can die until every healer has used their potion
Well this overly sensitive whining peon was using it wrong. I think they need to log off the internet for a while before they start to manifest physical illness over losing in game and here.
I wasn’t using it wrong you just didn’t like it, and you needed an excuse to cry. Taking your own advice would be wise, but we all know you won’t.
Says the guy claiming he “won” on a game forums…
You’re the one crying when somebody points out the truth of the fact that nobody has an excuse to have trash gear when reaching level 80. Only an unskilled lazy pile of useless garbage would ever enter PVP without being geared first. Even random battlegrounds. Algari gear is extremely cheap and basically free. There are no new players. Random Battlegrounds is not a place where people are supposed to just say “oh let’s automatically lose since I’m too stupid to spend a small amount of gold to get algari geared, and it’s okay I will just get free honor points by sitting here and doing nothing for the team except getting graveyard camped.” That’s not PvP. End of story.
I never once cried about anything.
That’s simply your opinion.
Thanks for once again proving the immature child you are.
Factually untrue.
Factually untrue as well.
No, it’s a place to go to earn honor for gear. You do realize crafted pvp gear is a newer concept, right? Didn’t used to exist.
This wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t for exploit groups and bg’s being unbalanced.
Like I said before people like you are the problem. You are trying to gatekeep random bg’s for some reason. People like you need to be removed from the game in all honesty.
I think you’re forgetting how huge the ratio gap between dps to healer is.
At least outside premades that can stack 11 of them the game in randoms gives you like 3-7 healers usually to handle 36 dps.
Now imagine that in premades all 36 enemy dps have a 30% damage increase while there are already more of them than you and you don’t.
First of all, crafted PvP gear is NOT a new concept. Its existed for so long now it’s unreal. The whole factually untrue trash that came from your gingivitis flapping, on the spectrum gums is part of your in-denial brain Biden-ing around as a way to help yourself cope with the reality that was slapped across your eroding psyche. Not my problem that you’re factually blind and factually afflicted with braindeterioration.
It’s a fact that Random Battlegrounds is not a place to earn gear. That’s your incompetent and wrong assumption. It’s a place where people go to PvP random people. PvP with random people isn’t the definition of “afk in the graveyard for 200 honor per hour”. The only thing that is unbalanced about BGs, is when no-geared scum with no brains enters and throws the balance off by making a one sided fight when they could go spend like the smallest and easiest amount of gold ever on Algari gear in order to at least try not to appear like someone like you.
You lose. Try again.