I got the feeling that separating M+ class design from the rest of the game would do a lot more to help participation more than all the million bribes people keep suggesting, I’d say people just don’t find the current gameplay enjoyable.
Don’t think people like a million pseudo ccs, pseudo interrupts, gap closers/blinks, random aoe ccs or roots, etc., like, millions.
How did we get solo shuffle before a decent exhibition arena q? WTH is that?
And, no, skirms don’t count until: 1) it ready checks / doesn’t make 2v3 or 1v2 and 2) it doesn’t do whatever weird matchmaking it does but immediately groups the first 4-6 players looking to play the game (ie instant queue)
That was a carry over from my PvE days and I got used to using it. Why take it out? I still need all the functionally. That doesn’t make the game easier if it simply doesn’t exist.
Yea, they need to massively overhaul LFG, but I doubt they will.
This would be abused.
While I get your sentiment, focus frame is used a lot in PvE. I’m not sure how removing that is going to make PvP better.
Plunderstorm isn’t WoW PvP and it’s barely even WoW. While making the game more accessible is great, I still want the game to be the same. If you want wow PvP to be more simple, start with PvE.
Fair enough, and yeah I’ve used mine since needing a focus tricks macro and a focus kick macro back in og wotlk.
Idk, in my eyes it does make the game easier (trying to look through the lens of someone who has never played wow pvp before), and I feel that the simplification comes in the form of there now being significantly less keybinds required per spec in order to play that spec optimally in arena [e.g., not needing multiple or several keybinds for the same spell (for similar reasons I think it was great when they got rid of spell ranks)].
From an outside pov (and my current one for this), needing to have 3-4 different keybinds for the exact same spell seems trivial and silly.
I can understand why those that have already gotten good with them would want it to stay, because it helps those who enjoy having 70+ keybinds and/or unlimited amounts of information on your screen, but I just don’t see new players wanting to deal with this, especially not the latter generation(s). If we want a meaningful influx of new players that will stay, something has to change.
Right now wow pvp feels like being on earth with an amazing telescope, the telescope being used to watch the world’s slowest meteor headed directly towards earth (e.g., we know we are going to die, and we are watching it in slow motion and not doing anything about it).
How so, botting? They can’t get the gold unless they win, and if they want to get rich doing it then that seems like a huge time investment and a win for queue times.
Just think of how many wins and how much time it would take for each of those wins to even acquire the value of a wow token. I’d say weeks for most, maybe months for the average casual player. This wouldn’t really be any different from how tanks and healers get bonus rewards for queueing random pve content now, aside from maybe the amount being higher (as it should be considering the content is much more difficult, and the population of healers is much more scarce).
I don’t mean that I want battle-royale pvp instead of arena or bg pvp that we have now. I just mean that in terms of a more fleshed out base ui where you are given all of the information necessary to thrive in pvp. The current base ui doesn’t come close to this.
I think I remember reading that they are looking to simplify PvE in terms of less reliance on addons. That is what I’d like them to also do for PvP, and this starts by making certain addon features part of the base ui (e.g., diminishing return tracker).
From an outside pov, the idea of needing a 3rd party addon tool to find, install, and maintain addons, of which also all need to be individually configured, is very off-putting (imo). That’s not even getting into weak auras, which depending on your spec, are more or less needed if you care at all about playing optimally.
I gotcha. I think it’s more that using focus frames isn’t necessary and lots of people don’t play with them. In reality, the focus frame isn’t the best way to play arena to begin with and could actually make you worse. The ideal way to play arena is using arena 1, 2, 3 macros. Focus frame is great for 2s, but it starts to get limited in 3s, especially when you’re dealing with 3 casters.
There are tons of different ways to approach this problem though and all have their positives and negatives. For example, instead of playing with a gladius style frame or even the focus frame, people just setup name plates to show everything they need and they watch those instead. To that, lots of people using macros for 1, 2, 3 targeting as well. For me, I just use tab and set it to only target players. 99% of time it works as I need it to anyways.
Point being, approach the game how you want and use what tools you want. Removing things like focus frame doesn’t make arena more accessible, it just limits your options for seeing valuable information to be better.
That could happen, but I was honestly just thinking more of players queuing as heals for easy gold. I mean, even if you’re awful and intentionally play awful, you shouldn’t be rewarded for it.
Also, gold would have less and less value if you just start handing it out to everyone.
If they address PvE, that will filter down to PvP pretty quickly. I’d say more than half the tools we have in PvP are because of demands made by PvE. It’s like the lack of casting in PvP right now has nothing todo with PvP and everything todo with the stupid amount of mobility in PvE. Like the first fight in bastion atm in M+… it’s almost hilarious how much you have to move. They badly need to tone that down in PvE.
I totally agree they need to make the UI better, but I do think the add-on barrier is really low. Most of us can play fine with 2-3 addons max. Weak auras wouldn’t even be needed if I could actually see what’s happening half the time. Like on my enhance I can stack maelstrom to 10 but the UI animation only shows 5. Offensive CDs used to consistently have much more visual animations. Now, you can hardly see when someone is using their go. Fix that and people won’t need to be as reliant on addons. Same goes for casting… in a game of so many instant casts, it can be hard to know what’s coming next without closely following every buff someone has.
In the end, these addons aren’t giving anyone a huge advantage, but they do make the game more enjoyable.
They also need to design actual unique rewards for PVP, especially rated PVP.
The elite armor and weapons being just recolors of the tier set really won’t cut it. I’m not fond of the mount being just a recolor with a few extra elements added on top. It also deserved to be its own unique model.
remove rated pvp record from the armory. (people really just don’t like the idea of being judged and evaluated blindly based on someone’s poor interpretation of their armory profile)
change rewards from being rating based to participation based, (all pvp fills a progress bar for all seasonal rewards, rated wins give more progress than unrated losses.)
essentially the current situation in video games in general is that players feel like they need to be good at a particular game before they start playing and that they are judged publicly for mistakes. there is no tolerance for failure, this means players are just not even attempting things they know they won’t initially succeed in. in reality you learn from losses and failure, so the environment needs to be setup to allow consequence free failure so people can learn.
overhaul the rewards. if you see a reward you want but it is locked behind a rating you can’t achieve without buying it, the average player is just going to give up right there and never try. but if they know they can achieve that reward if they just play, they will in fact, just play.
If nothing else there needs to be more of an unranked reward progression each season, yeah, like completing objectives or earning honor in bgs fills a bar that gives people cosmetics.
Being told yo you gotta regrind conq gear and uhhh that’s it is a lil uncompelling
I genuinely don’t understand why anyone would want that. It’s competitive play. Experience matters. There is plenty of PvP content available that has nothing todo with ranked play. If you don’t want others scrutinizing your ability, then why not just do content that doesn’t require it? It’s no different than PvE.
This feels a bit trolly. Participation rewards are pointless and largely already exist in unrated play.
There already is. It’s a matter of finding players who agree with this sentiment. They exist. Not everyone plays for rating, so find those players to play with.
to be fair all the suggestions have only been regarding to MMR/rewards/addons and not one mention of the terrible class design so the players are completely lost as well