Consolidated list of ideas to improve rated pvp participation

I mean every game has a meta, WoW isn’t the only.

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I didn’t say it was :confused:

what the heck are these suggestions even

  • Implement Gladius/Sarena and BigDebuffs equivalent(s) functionality into the base user interface (at least). Ideally also implement OmniCD and OmniBar.

is the only good one

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Would this really do much, though

Yeah then people would find something else other than addon bloat to complain about for why they’re losing.


Equalize gearing and we go from boosters and sl gearing to boosters and deflation :dracthyr_a1: It’s always something

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Imho, all it would take for pvp and pve to be better is for each person to want to get a little better or have a little better understanding of their gameplay each time they play.

Everything else would fall into place after that.

And also I still believe in Santa.

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As far as attracting new players I think it would. Imagine being a new player in wow and not having any friend(s) to guide/teach you.

You’d certainly get lost in terms of trying to process the information coming at you in the form of small icons crushed up in the upper right corner of your screen and/or in the form of even smaller icons beneath each character frame, not to mention becoming annoyed by the lack of crucial information that isn’t provided to you by the default ui (e.g., diminishing return tracking, teammate cds, etc.).

I believe that most would become frustrated and just stop playing, with only a small minority deciding to do research on how to make things easier, eventually coming across addons and finding the specific addons they need.

What most veteran wow players and/or elitists on this forum can’t seem to comprehend is that, while the game is easy to you because you’ve been playing it for years if not decades, it is not easy for most, and the average player is likely not going to invest a lot of time and energy into wow pvp (e.g., if you’re not already hopelessly addicted to the game, why would you pay a monthly sub to play wow pvp).

I’m going to get a lot of hate for this, but deep down everyone knows it’s true. World of Warcraft pvp is NOT a fun time for the majority of the population that plays video games >> when something isn’t fun for the majority (whether it be due to high barrier to entry, sub fee, addon requirements, age, horribly balanced gameplay w/ infrequent tuning, needing years to get good at, keybind requirements, mediocre reward/ranking structure, horrific queue times, etc.), the majority will go play something else >> WoW pvp starts to plummet until there’s no one left aside from the veteran wow players and/or elitists, and eventually the game mode(s) die(s) off.

I really love all the replies that are more or less “most or all of these are bad ideas” (which isn’t even necessarily wrong). You guys are part of the problem btw, as you offer nothing but useless empty feedback without making the slightest attempt at offering up your own idea(s).

Are you guys happy with the state of wow pvp right now? If so, that’s great and I’m happy for you.

If you aren’t, maybe consider using your brains to come up with solutions that will bring new players into the wow pvp scene and retain them (otherwise I guess just enjoy watching the continuing slow decline of ranked wow pvp) [e.g., all other issues aside, modes without solo/duo queue functionality are already going down fast, and the solo queue modes won’t be too far behind them as long as the average queue time for dps is 20-30 minutes].

Not necessarily on topic, but does anyone think to ask themselves why tens of thousands of people prefer to watch classic/20+ year old content streams instead of retail pvp streams (or anything retail), and/or why the majority of highly skilled pvpers that are also twitch streamers mainly play classic right now?

There are many variables that go into this, but one thing is for certain, and it’s that retail pvp, for the vast majority of the gaming population, is trash and/or not worth playing (for many reasons).

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No way that’s not a new years troll post. Mixing pve and pvp is a huge no no and just creates extreme pvp boosting sales for pve players that will never enjoy pvp.

A focus kick macro is not bloat for keybinds lol…

Duo queue just makes boosting things like shuffle way too easy.


Hard disagree. This is not an FPS, mouse accuracy clicking on frames to cast things increases difficulty, not decreases.


Sure, and improve LFG as well.

I think the gold should be like, 100g for 1k-1800, 500 for 1800+, and 2k for 2400+ with some kind of scalar rewards in between. Concerns of smurfing to farm gold easily.

I’m cool with this.

I think this would be too hard to implement in a fair way without adding significant restrictions.

I think that it takes at least 2 weeks to see the effects of buffs/nerfs on the ladder in a significant way, so I’m okay with current tuning pace tbh. That being said, when there’s an OP class or bug (10.0.7 ret, phantom pain hunter bug), it should be IMMEDIATELY disabled and rating rolled back.

Like what?

Okay, but we more or less have that now.

For league, iron is 0-399, bronze is 400-799, silver is 800-1199, gold is 1200-1599, plat is 1600-1999, diamond is 2k-1399, masters is 2400+, challenger is R1.

It’s just way easier to climb in wow and you’re basically guaranteed plat by playing. Changing the system would make it SIGNIFICANTLY harder to climb than it currently is.

PVP gear should scale up in PVE to mythic lvl 100%. No shot that gladiator quality games should cap out at normal raid track.


No thanks. I think the reason wow has lived as long as it has while every other MMO has “died” is the depth and degree of complexity that it has. Yeah, it IS harder to learn and pick up than something like league of legends, but that is a huge part of what attracts people and keeps them playing and the same reason that people quit league just as easily as they pick it up.


Boosting is a separate issue, but that’s something that could be remedied by a non-scuffed ranking system [e.g., limiting the range of players you can queue with based on ranking and/or account achievements would be a good start, so that rank 1 glads aren’t able to queue with challengers]. I acknowledge the potential downside that great players won’t be able to play with/carry their friends, but imo this is worth it to preserve the integrity of the ladder.

Boosting is an issue regardless, but at least with a healthy pvp population, you’d encounder it much less [e.g., the majority of players are not buying boosts, and if you mean being boosted by friends for free, then that already exists now].

In a game where you have dozens of spells/abilities, every extra keybind requirement matters, and I would definitely say that needing 3-4 different key presses for the same ability certainly constitutes bloat, especially when you need to do that for several different spells/abilities [e.g., one focus kick macro isn’t too bad, but if you want to play ideally for let’s say pvp as rogue, then you also need focus garrote, focus kidney, focus cheapshot, focus blind, focus gouge, focus disarm, focus sap, focus shadowstep, etc.]. It adds up fast, and the average player is not going to bother (imo).

The above doesn’t even take into account that if you want to be really optimal, you need not just 1 focus macro for each pertinent spell/ability, but you need 3 or more (at least one for every enemy player in a 3v3 match) so you can save that extra .x seconds getting a cc or kick off. Then let’s consider the additional button presses for your party members (e.g., bop self, bop 1/2, earth shield self, earthshield 1/2, etc.).

If you think that wow doesn’t have a button bloat issue atm, I don’t know what to tell you, but I can assure you that you’re delusional.

I definitely agree with you on this one.

I agree with you but in the past tense. I think this was what was a huge part of what attracted people and kept them playing, but I don’t think that the newer/newest generation(s) of gamers feel the same way about mmorpg pvp.

I doubt most gamers nowadays want to pay a sub to play a niche mode within an otherwise popular game. Requiring absurd amounts of keybind requirements, macros, addons, etc. does not equate to depth. It just adds trivial complexity that is unappealing to most (including myself).

The reason that wow has survived has nothing to do with how good (or bad, deep, complex) wow pvp is. The reason that wow has survived is because the game plays very well/smoothly, and more importantly because people love the PvE portion(s) of WoW. PvP only survives because of PvErs, and I’d go as far as to say that there are not enough pure PvPers (e.g., ones that refrain from most/all PvE content outside of required PvE content) paying for a subscription to justify the cost of investing time and/or resources into WoW PvP content.

Put another way, If you made wow pvp free and a standalone game in it’s current form (e.g., you get max level and bis gear for free essentially), the servers for it would have probably been shut down by a long time ago.

Well, ideally those that are pvping are using keybinds already for their targetting (at least this is what I had in mind, which again is another reason I feel that keybind requirements are way too high already). This becomes an issue in bgs I suppose, but still, I disagree that needing focus frame/focus macros results in less difficulty as compared to removing it and needing to click a bit more.

If this is the case, why don’t we just go ahead and implement another focus frame too, so we can just have 3 things targeted at all times with corresponding macros. No need to even switch focus then right, because everything in a 3v3 setting will already be targetted/focused. This isn’t my idea of simplification.

stop splitting the small pvp player base with 1,000 game modes half done


yeah this doesn’t help. I think it probably nets blizzard more subs overall though, which in turn means more microtransactions too.

I’ve kind of lost count, let’s see, retail wow, classic cata, classic era, og hardcore, anniversary hardcore, anniversary era, and then within classic cata you have 2s, 3s, 5s (can’t remember if rbgs yet), and then in retail you have 2s, 3s, rated bgs, bg blitz, and shuffle.

Everyone likes a different flavor of sauce though I suppose. I like having so many options personally, I just wish that all of the pvp related options had solo queue functionality.

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I like all of op’s ideas +1

On a related note, I’m thinking about making a human paladin named ‘Pvppauladin’.

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Adding game modes is cool and all, I like solo in theory, but they shouldn’t be ranked, or they shouldn’t give pvp titles. You’re just fracturing the player base in 4 different modes that way. Then add cata/mop to further fracture it.

And they should obviously be percentile based again, but I doubt that will happen. They want it easily attainable mobile game casino style. Like I’m almost elite mmr on my sham and I don’t feel elite at all. seems totally unearned in comparison to expansions from the long long ago.

first of all, let me address this:

this will never work, it’s the laziest bandaid ever and just inflates the economy. On top of not addressing >at all < why people don’t want to play the role.

lol. lmao even to all who thinks this accomplishes anything.

with that out of the way…

most of these ideas are squarely bad, however upon infinitesimal seconds of reflection, I realize that this may be a result of wow pvp itself and not the game.

I honestly think that if people want to get better solo queue and not wait for 30 minutes because the other role that is mandatory is too frustrating to play, we should instead have larger teams that rely less on comp.

That’s right fellas. 5v5 should be back on the menu. Blitz was a step in the right direction

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Zero feedback, zero ideas, no explanation as to why anything is actually bad. Great reply. Oh, and how lovely of you to care about wow’s economy. Hate to break it to ya though, but the wow economy is inflating anyway ever since the wow token. PvP Healers getting gold is going to be the equivalent of peeing in the Atlantic ocean in terms of the effect on the economy.

Oh, and then bro says

Holy omega LUL :crazy_face:

I agree with most of the OPs ideas. What is really missing though is the incentive to push up to the next rating; the rating reqs on gear used to do this.

There should be a mount (2v2, 3v3, solo) for each bracket that you get at 1500 or so and every 100-150 points adds something desirable to the mount (armor, etc) with the 2400 or percentage mount being a significant cosmetic upgrade.

PVP gear should scale to pve levels. Bring some pvers back into the lower brackets. Stop falsely inflating the ratings.

Solo que should give you to option to also be placed in double dps 2s (not mandatory, but optional). Would be bad for some classes, but other classes that don’t mind taking 2s would unclog the dps ques for things like warrior that don’t want to que double dps.

Titles should go back to end of season, be based of the bracket you are playing in (diff titles, diff brackets), and be by spec. There should be some way of ranking overall by the spec you play so that everyone doesnt feel like they need to reroll BM or w/e. I mostly enjoy 2s (as many do) and the difference playing a mage from 1900-2000 mmr and the BM hunter that I created is demoralizing. The games too complex to think there will ever be feasible balance across classes, much less specs.

Just my opinions as someone who didnt really play retail the last couple of expacs and was playing classic. Was challenging to come back to retail as someone who was playing 3 classes in classic around 2200 (mage,rogue,dk) in classic- can’t imagine what it is like for a brand new player to come in and play at 1200 getting stomped when they move up to 1400.

Splitting up the game modes is fine, they just need to have different incentives in each mode. This would also help the folks that que up at the beginning or end of seasons but don’t play in the middle.

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Tbh, if it gave enough gold I’d totally do it. The biggest issue with this is that botters will just spam the brackets with them to farm this gold.

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