Considering Some Semi-weekly World Quests Becoming Daily

someone with a lot of experience in this game and with different type of players

If WQs awarded only XP or leveling gear then that makes sense for that specific case. Right now though WQs award rep which is directly tied to power/progression.

bunch of hind kissers in here who blizzard could repeatedly punch in the face like an abuse victim, and they’d keep coming back.

Fact is blizzard reversing course, is not diff than a politician. Players aren’t “force” to do sh** daily they chose too. If they can’t or feel overwhelmed that’s on them.

I’m more amazed that Blizzard has the audacity to blatantly bs us with the “Following your feedback here” You don’t give a fly donkey’s rear about what people say so long as feelyweely’s aren’t hurt. Maybe, Maybe if you wanted REALY feedback from the MAJORITY who play game vs the small amount of people who come here you’d Do a poll at the login screen of wow like you bombard us with the “code of conduct everyone be friends and sing Kumbaya” message.

There’s a logical thought. But you guys don’t do logic. You listen to the crybabies that sit on the forums and stop their feet screaming for nerfs/buffs. …!.,

Regarding this below

Love the dragonriding, best feature implemented in a while.
Aesthetic of the expac are more engaging than the scy-fi last part of SL.
Love the events, wish they would reset the “true” reward at least once a week but they feel engaging.

The alt leveling is also very good with the new shared progress on various aspect of the game.

The new talent system is great, I love playing around with it.
I haven’t seen anyone on the community council address this yet as no one on there seems to play the spec but…
My preferred spec “Ret” feels like it was rushed and not looked over at the end of the design phase.
We have way to many buttons to hit and track and it makes the rotation clunky and un-intuitive.
The defensive options are poor and the mobility was nerfed compared to SL.
Despite this, I still believe that the tools are all there to make it feel way better than it does now if only someone would sit down and take a good hard look at spec/class and maybe look at the more well thought out suggestion made in the Beta class thread.


No one is forcing you to do WQ. Most of the renown rewards are cosmetic. You can raid log if you want.

I like doing WQ especially on my alts.

Good. Initial change would have went against your whole promise of less fomo chores to do daily. Bi weekly WQs feel so much better, feels like you can do them at your leisure and not feel like you’re falling behind because you want to do something else that day. Now just increase the renown rewards of the bi weekly quests instead.

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removing content is never a good change lol


Thank you for listening to the feedback! Looking forward to what you come up with so that people that enjoy daily activities have something to do without others feeling forced to do WQs every day!

reps arent tied to player power.
what the hell you gonna fal behind on?

They do, but their dailies take like 5 minutes to complete three of them, and they’re not tied to recipes unlocks. You just get some experience and a mount in the end. They also have a weekly cap on the other roulette dailies, so it’s pretty easy to cap in a single day or stretch it out over the week.

Well first of all, Ctrl+f “player power” not found in what you quoted.

Second of all, rep = profession progression. Progression. And some have argued that also means player power considering how relevant to player power professions are now (I don’t care about player power, but I care about profession progression).

But this was also explained by others in about 400 other posts within this thread already. I encourage you to have a read.

why would i have a read about something that doesnt affect me? blizz makes it to where its no big deal if you miss a day or 2 and you people cry.
get over it.
this is a good thing

False. Please learn the game.

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ah yes. someone with a hidden profile telling someone else how learn the game.

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They’ve already made it clear they don’t want to read things they’re arguing about, so good luck :dracthyr_shrug:

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this eliminates leveling content for alts and it eliminates getting rep everyday for factions like what’s the point of aventurera mode if you can’t log on everyday and do WQ for experience

THANK YOU! I’m loving the expansion so far and a big part of that is the feeling of freedom in what I choose to do. The world quests being bi-weekly has been an amazing change!

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yea, who would want more freedom with what you choose to do?

When you make false statements, and don’t understand the rep system. You clearly need to learn.

Glad to teach you. Go figure it out.

I did my good deed for the day. Done with them lol.

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it’s clearly an option of something to do lol now leveling my characters is going to be extremely slower cuz I’ll have to wait 3 days for Quest to refresh